The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Mike J
Date: 2008-06-12 20:10
To anyone who plays or who has played the Buffet E13 preferably with the Eb lever or even without. Could U send some INFO AND IMAGES of it please.
At the moment I Have a Yamaha 450, but I’m not getting what I Want out of it - if you know what I mean. No offence to Yamaha 450 it is a nice clarinet and great sound, but it just doesn’t feel right.
So I’m thinking of getting an E13 .I can’t afford a pro model at the Mo.
I wonna get some real background and the view of those who have play/played the E13. And I’m keen on buying one with the Eb lever. So views on that as well.
So really all I Want is Some Info and Images of the E13
Thanks for Reading, Look forward to hearing from you.
Mike J
Post Edited (2008-06-12 20:11)
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Author: Ryder
Date: 2008-06-12 20:49
Sorry I can't tell you anything about the E13, but I can suggest something else you could do.
You said you can't afford a pro model ins. with a left hand Eb key. Why not wait until you have the money to purchase the much better, pro model. I don't doubt that the E13 is a good instrument, I mean come on look who makes it. *coughs* Buffet *coughs*
Looking at the most recent 2008 Buffet catolouge right now, I see that they make an R13 with a left hand Eb lever. I've never seen it online so you'd have to ask around, but obviously they make it. I wish i'd known that before purchasing my R13. It's gonna cost more than a standard R13, but if you really want that Eb lever I'd suggest you hold off on purchasing a, hate to say, lower quality intrument and blowing all your money, and have to wait even longer to get the better pro model.
just my $0.02
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Author: Mike J
Date: 2008-06-13 21:13
I tried The R13 but it was too hard to blow and sounded crap, but i tried the R13 prestige and i loved it , really suited me, but its like £2050 but me mum said she'll buy it for me if/when i get to grade 7. and i on 4 so long time to go and don't woona rush just to get it.
I think the E13 will be just right for me
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Author: SVClarinet09
Date: 2008-06-13 21:54
What exactly do you mean by Grade 7? Just how old are you? And second of all, what's wrong with the Yamaha? What do you want that's different?
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Author: Danny Boy
Date: 2008-06-13 23:41
I would assume SV that from the pound sign that MikeJ is in the UK and is referring to the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music exam syllabus, probably the most common syllabus used here (although he could aqually mean the Trinity-Guildhall exams or similar). The ABRSM is graded from 1-8 with 1 on average taken 12 months or so after taking the instrument up and grade 8 being the standard qualification required for audition at a UK conservatoire.
Mike, I would suggest that at grade 4 level you'll need extensive help from your teacher to make the decision that you're trying to make. I can't say I'd be pushing you to switch from a 450 (which I like) to an E13 (which I also like) at your level even if you weren't thinking long term and hoping to get a higher level instrument in the relatively short term - grade 4 to grade 7 doesn't take very long in the grand scheme of things.
You say that you think that the E13 will be just right for you, on what are you basing that? By the sounds of it you're yet to play one. Just because an R13 Prestige felt better than your Yamaha does not mean that an E13 will feel good in the same way simply because it's made by Buffet. The 450 and the E13 are pretty comparable in terms of the student they are designed for, the R13 Prestige is a professional level instrument.
Why also the importance of the LH Eb key? I've never seen an E13 with one as far as I'm aware.
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Author: Ryder
Date: 2008-06-14 04:08
Well if your mom promises to get you a Prestige, mabey its worth the wait. But I feel like you got a one in a thousand dud on the R13 with LH Eb lever. The addition of an Eb lever wouldn't make the R13 sound like "crap." There must have been something else wrong with that particular instrument. Thats another example of why you should try more than one of the same instrument to make sure your getting the best you can with your $$.
BTW does anyone know if its possible to get a LH Eb lever fitted to a normal R13?
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