The Clarinet BBoard
Author: S. Friedland
Date: 2008-05-07 14:08
It was a performance of the Serenade, Opus 93, by Hans Gal, and the music was a first for me as well. It was written in 1935 for Clarinet, Violin and Cello. We performed it at The Unitarian Church in Montreal along with the Abime by Messiaen, and the Beethoven and Milaud Trios.
I was most interested in the "A" clarinet as it was my first performance on this instrument and as we all know. anything can happen.
But, the clarinet, the Ridenour A was superb. There wasn't a single problem and everything I have said has been born out by the performance. I recorded only the Gal and it stood up very well to all my criteria.
The work is kind of like a Strauss Tone Poem, but it does have two clarinet cadnezas and was a great test for the instrument. Was it perfect? Yes, but I was not, but still I am not at all unhappy.
This is a horn that will suit the most demanding professional, especially regarding intonation and the remarkably even quality of tone.
Another Ridenour invention, the Thumb Saddle is a great little rubber boot that goes over the thumbrest and will give you all kinds of relief if you have arthritis or discomfort, especially during rehearsals. I chose not to use it on the performance. Perhaps it is something similar to wearing gloves.but I heartily recommend it. I have not had the pleasure of meeting Tom, but I do think he knows how a good horn is supposed to sound, and armed with this rather amazing acumen, his clarinet is really, pound for pound, the best in the business.
best to all, Sherman
Post Edited (2008-05-07 14:10)
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Author: S. Friedland
Date: 2008-05-07 17:33
Yes, If I knew how to post the recording. I can play, and record, and make a CD from a recording, but the internet sending of it is baffling. There are several who would be interested.
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Author: hans
Date: 2008-05-07 17:57
Professor Friedland uses a Mac, of which I unfortunately know nothing, but there must be some other BB members who use the same technology and can give a little technical support to help him post his recordings?
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Author: giuliano
Date: 2008-05-07 18:02
A free file hosting site may be the solution, you can upload with no limits and then post the link to the board.
This is an example, but there are many others out there:
Usually, there are limitations to the number of free downloads (e.g. one per day or so), thus my advice is to put everything in a single large compressed file, if possible. Mediafire allows up to 100 MB per file, but there are others that let you post 250 MB or more per file.
Giuliano Forghieri
Nubilaria Clarinet Ensemble, arranger, clarinet, Eb clarinet
Accademia Musica Insieme, founder, arranger, clarinet
Post Edited (2008-05-07 18:04)
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2008-05-07 18:03
hans wrote:
> Professor Friedland uses a Mac, of which I unfortunately know
> nothing, but there must be some other BB members who use the
> same technology and can give a little technical support to help
> him post his recordings?
Recordings aren't postable here on the BBoard ... they'd have to be posted on some other place.
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Author: Hank Lehrer
Date: 2008-05-07 19:11
Your comment " he knows how a good horn is supposed to sound, and armed with this rather amazing acumen, his clarinet is really, pound for pound, the best in the business."
First, I have no stake in any Ridenour enterprise of any kind and have only communicated with him solely via email. However, I have several TR 147s, use and recommend the ATG system, and plan on getting the Thumb Saddle. Tom has made some amazing contributions to clarinet pedagogy as well as equipment; all are straight forward and amazingly simple. Your revelations about the A clarinet are not surprising.
Now when he comes out with his ligature... Just wishful thinking on my part but I would not be surprised if that's in the "skunkworks" somewhere.
PS I did not care for the reeds he was selling, however.
Post Edited (2008-05-08 11:13)
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Author: Roger Aldridge
Date: 2008-05-07 20:36
I hope a TR ligature will be improvement (if possible) over the Vandoren Klassik....AND he'll also make one for bass clarinet. I'll be first in line.
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Author: Sylvain
Date: 2008-05-07 20:45
If you send me a CD I can turn make an mp3 and put it somewhere where people can download it.
Contact me offline if you are interested.
Sylvain Bouix <>
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Author: awm34
Date: 2008-05-07 22:15
I also play a Lyrique A (poorly, I'm afraid) and I operate a web site for senior tennis players (
If you send me your recording, I'd be happy to post it on my web site for the benefit of anyone. You could either mail a CD or else attach it to an email message.
Alan Messer
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Author: Brenda Siewert
Date: 2008-05-09 13:40
I have the great joy of living close enough to Tom that I can drive to his studio and visit with him while picking out an instrument or having an overhaul. I've even brought friends with me who also bought Lyriques from him. And, as Sherman said, he is extremely knowledgeable about clarinets and a fantastic player as well. If you click on his website at you can also hear Tom play the Lyrique.
Kudos Sherman. I look forward to someone posting your concert piece.
Post Edited (2008-05-09 13:42)
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