The Clarinet BBoard
Author: AllaBreve10
Date: 2008-04-14 06:13
So I'm splitting a Recital with a friend of mine this November (we're both Junior Undergraduate Students in Music Education) and I'm trying to set the rep I'm going to perform...We each plan on playing 3 pieces and here's what we have so far...
Rhapsody for Clarinet - Osborne
Solo de Concours - Rabaud
Time Pieces by Muczynski
I'm looking for a third piece...something well...for lack of better terms, flashy and showy without exxageration...any ideas?
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Author: William
Date: 2008-04-14 15:10
When I read this thread I thought, "I've got it--that clarinet duet I did with John Kuehn on his undergraduate recital". But for the life of me, I can't recall it's name, nor could I just now find it in my library.
Perhaps someone can help us both out. It's a clarinet duet for Bb and A clarinet, no accompaniment, Bb part more challenging than the A. The name and composer escapes me for the moment--anyone have a clue???
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Author: clarinetist04
Date: 2008-04-14 15:50
Castelnuovo-Tedesco Sonata -- the last movement is about as showy as it gets -- and a LOT of fun to play!
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Author: srattle
Date: 2008-04-14 17:01
without exaggeration?
How about a solo piece? Like In Freundschaft, or Stravinsky 3 pieces.
There's also Lutoslawski which is a great piece.
Rozsa sonatine could be good too.
I do like the poulenc suggestion, that's a really fun piece.
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Author: Jkelly32562
Date: 2008-04-14 20:27
I'll second the Malcolm Arnold Sonatina, or the Lutoslawski Dance Preludes.
Both are very fun!!
Jonathan Kelly
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Author: DAVE
Date: 2008-04-14 20:49
I love to play the Dunhill Phantasy Suite. It is a lovely piece and the audience always likes it. It's very lyrical and has lots of character. It would be a nice balance to the other pieces you are doing. Sometimes it's nice to hear a clarinet recital that is not filled with honky show pieces.
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2008-04-14 21:40
Here are three excellent pieces that Mark Nuccio plays:
Astor Piazzola, Tango Etude Number 6. This is an excellent piece, quite far from anything that can be danced to. Quite difficult, but effective.
Miguel Yuste, Estudio Melodica, Op. 33. An atonal opening changes to Spanish figurations. Excellent music, with plenty of brilliant technical display.
Bela Kovacs, Hommage a R. Strauss. A potpourri of clarinet solos from the music of Richard Strauss. Very effective.
Also, you might think of doing the Sutermeister Capriccio, for solo clarinet. More difficult than it looks, but very enjoyable music.
Ken Shaw
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Author: fantasmacantos
Date: 2008-04-14 23:09
Just to say that the Kovacs' hommages are not potpourris. They are solo pieces in the style of the Kovacs' favourite composers.
The Piazzolla 6 etudes are for solo clarinet too, composed originally for flute.
[Snipped - GBK ]
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