The Clarinet BBoard
Author: mallardbay603
Date: 2008-02-17 19:19
The following information is all I have-On the bell Bundy (R) Resonite (R) The Selma Company USA -On upper or Main section Bundy 577 at bottom of section # 1455109 Mouthpiece gold lettering Bundy and ring around it. Ligature is stainless, Selma and USA. It was passed along from a friend with a case labeled Bundy and has a blue interior. It plays - pads and cork seem OK. Having hard time with air flow and -- reed placement takes lots of patients and time before a decent sound can be comfortable. Plan to take into a music store but would like some input from you.
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2008-02-17 19:29
A 577 Bundy is - in proper repair - a decent allround instrument. As every clarinet it profits from a good mouthpiece (what is shipped with a clarinet is not always the best choice).
I'd buy a Hite Premiere or a Fobes Debut mpc (each under 30$), they're the best bet for such instruments. (I play both, for what it is worth, even on my noble Marigaux)
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Author: mallardbay603
Date: 2008-02-19 14:16
Thanks for you reply. Will check the status of condition at a repair shop and then look into the mouthpiece idea. Question about Switzerland ISP- if not to personal - is that home?
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Author: amber847
Date: 2008-06-17 03:20
MIne is exactilly the same and I have to same (and then some) problems with it. I take it in for repairs all the time but it always get more problems. I might get a new one tho :D
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