The Clarinet BBoard
Author: clarijen
Date: 2008-02-05 16:40
Hello everyone,
This may be a stupid question, but could somebody tell me the best way of cleaning/sterilising mouthpieces? I am reluctant to submerge the mp in any liquid in case this damages the cork - or would this not be a problem?
Thank you!
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Author: marcia
Date: 2008-02-05 20:24
I have found that soaking the mouthpiece (with cork above fluid level) in a weak vinegar solution followed by soaking in plain water works well.
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Author: OmarHo
Date: 2008-02-05 20:48
Last time I put mine in Vinegar, it turned into a tint of yellow, but don't be alarmed. After a few days, it'll go back to it's usually colour.
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Author: swkeess
Date: 2008-02-06 03:28
I use the Doctor's Products mouthpiece cleaner on a regular basis with great results. The first time I ordered the whole kit that comes with a container that you can fill up with lukewarm water just to the edge of the cork so that the cork does not get wet. A quick rinse in cool water and gentle drying with a soft cloth finishes the process. I try to clean all of my mouthpieces on a monthly basis (at minimum) to keep them in good condition.
Susan Keess
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Author: clarijen
Date: 2008-02-06 14:37
Thank you, Susan. I've been given some great ideas here. Again!
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Author: Ed Svoboda
Date: 2008-02-06 15:06
I generally recommend a cotton ball soaked in vinegar and then placed on the baffle and left for an hour or so. Then I wash the mouthpiece with cold water. You should never use hot water on a hard rubber mouthpiece. Then I will take another cotton ball and soak it in common mouthwash and swab the inside of the piece.
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