The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Chrissie Smith
Date: 2000-08-05 00:41
I was wondering where I could find a private clarinet lesson teacher in the San Francisco Bay Area (preferably San Jose, Santa Clara). I played for 8 years through high school, haven't picked it up in 5 years, and would like to pick it up!
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Author: Ginny
Date: 2000-08-05 02:00
My son (12 yo) has lessons at the Music School in Sunnyvale. His teacher is very kind and he's learned a great deal, but I don't know if you wanted a more prestigious sort of teacher. There are a bunch of clarinet teachers business cards on the bulletin board at West Valley Music on Grant Rd. in Mtn. View. Email me at the above address if you want my son's teacher's number - or you can call the Music School in Sunnyvale.
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Author: Bob Gardner
Date: 2000-08-05 02:17
Check out the local colleges for thier music dept. I'm going to enroll at Mendocino Comm. college in Aug. This may be a good starting point.
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2000-08-05 14:45
Our grandson in San Jose has been taking lessons from a woman-teacher, I cant recall her name at the moment. Call my son's phone [D E Jr.]if you wish. She plays fine cl and sax in combo's also. Don
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