The Clarinet BBoard
Author: nerdy1
Date: 2007-09-01 01:01
I am trying to get a hold of the Johann Molter concerti for D clarinet Nos. 5 and 6. Apparently there is a German man who sells No. 6 out of his home, but I can't find his information on-line. Does anybody know his address or information (or have an idea of how I could find it?) For his 5th concerto, I've seen the clarinet part, but no piano transcription, but I think it exists somewhere. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Thanks!
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Author: Tobin
Date: 2007-09-03 13:04
Greg Barrett at Northern Illinois University performed one of the Molter concertos around three years ago, you might send him an email and see what his source was.
Gnothi Seauton
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Author: Ebclarinet1
Date: 2007-09-03 16:02
Yes, if someone finds them I's love a copy too, so please post back! Have done several of these (1 and 4 in particular) as audition pieces but all 4 are very nice.
Eefer guy
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Author: Jack Kissinger
Date: 2007-09-03 20:27
No. 5 is published by Carus-Verlag. It appears to be available from their website.
The website shows the parts and score available for sale but makes no reference to a piano reduction.
No. 6 is listed with many other Molter works, including the other clarinet concerti in the catalog of the Badische Landesbibliothek in Karlsruhe:
Molter Catalog
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Vorwarts" (Forward) to go to page 2. The concerto is listed there.
According to the notes to Jean-Claude Veilhan's recording of the 6 Molter concerti, the sixth concerto was published "in 1989 (ed. G. Goldbach [publisher]) by Klaus Häfner." Häfner was a curator at the library and published a catalog of Molter's works. He is probably the person you are looking for. He appears to have been a Molter scholar and provided Veilhan with copies of the manuscript score and parts as well as information about Molter and/or the work. If he is still alive, you might be able to get contact information for him from the library. Or possibly, you might be able to obtain a copy of the score and parts from the library itself.
I can't find any online presence for the Goldbach publishing house. It may no longer exist. There are references to Klaus Häfner online. Try searching on ["klaus häfner" molter] without the brackets.
Best regards,
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Author: Ebclarinet1
Date: 2007-09-06 19:06
Thanks for the great help. Ordered #5 and its on the way (ordered both clarinet part and the score). The Molter Catalog is in German and I'll have to get a German speaker to decipher the commands on it so I can order that piece too. It is not intuitively obvious!
Thanks again. Have recordings of both of these and I liked #5 a lot. It's a good bit different than the others I've played too. Maybe I'll use that for my next audition!
Eefer guy
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