The Clarinet BBoard
Author: perryg114
Date: 2007-07-26 14:20
I am trying to tell the difference between a Buffet R-13 and and a Buffet RC. How would I identify the RC versus the R-13 by looking at the emblem? If someone claims to have an RC do I just take their word for it?
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Author: Sylvain
Date: 2007-07-26 14:43
The most distinctive feature is the placement of the register tube. It is higher on the RC than it is on the R13. I am sure somebidy here has the exact measurements.
Sylvain Bouix <>
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Author: Vytas
Date: 2007-07-26 14:58
The RC clarinet has "RC" marking below "Made in France" on the Upper-Joint.
Vytas Krass
Clarinet Repair
Professional clarinet technician
Custom clarinet mouthpiece maker
Former professional clarinet player
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Author: Bob Phillips
Date: 2007-07-26 15:07
the RC has a script "RC" engraved below the usual Buffet logo on the upper joint. It will have serial number that places it after about 1974. The RC Prestige has an internal bulge in the upper portion of the bell and may have a metal badge.
Bob Phillips
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2007-07-26 15:51
The RC has a larger bore than the R13
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: marshall
Date: 2007-07-26 19:23
If you do a google search for Buffet RC and look at the image'll see that RC's have an RC logo engraved in them below the Buffet logo on the upper joint...about a centimeter above the A key vent. If it doesn't have this logo then it isn't an RC.
Also...the barrel wil probably have something engraved in it like 'RC B 660'. The bell will probably have 'RC B' engraved in it. An R13 barrel would have 'R13 B 660' and something like a festival would have 'FES B 660'..thats another way to tell...but the barrels and bells can be switched.
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Author: Jack Kissinger
Date: 2007-07-26 19:39
I've never seen a Buffet barrel or bell marked "R13 B 660." Is this something new? The ones I've seen all had the Buffet model number. So, for a 66 mm R13 Bb barrel, the marking would be 1130 660, for a 66 mm R13 A, would be 1230 660. I don't know offhand what the model number is for an RC but one might be able to figure it out at the Buffet website or a European dealer.
Best regards,
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Author: perryg114
Date: 2007-07-26 19:40
Attachment: buffetrc.jpg (73k)
Here is a photo. Maybe you can confirm it from this. The letters are kinda faint.
Post Edited (2007-07-26 19:41)
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Author: pewd
Date: 2007-07-26 19:55
>barrel or bell marked "R13 B 660." Is this something new?
nope, i' ve been seeing them marked that way for years - 10, maybe more. definately at least 5, i bought my last r13 5 years ago. its marked 'r13 a 650'.
but the op's question is simple, and has been answered repeatedly - look for the 'rc' marking on the upper joint.
and that photo shows the 'rc' stamp, so, therefore....
- Paul Dods
Dallas, Texas
Post Edited (2007-07-26 19:57)
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Author: perryg114
Date: 2007-07-26 23:18
Well I was about 90% the pic was of an RC but I was not able to find a good photo of one online. The Buffet web sight has postage stamp size photos. I found examples logo's of everything but an RC.
Thanks for the help everyone.
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