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 Marking Legere Reeds
Author: sfalexi 
Date:   2007-07-01 17:33

Unfortunately, my army band isn't really on the ball for keeping reeds in stock. I just took a look and they are out of all 3.5 reeds and 4 reeds (of any kind). Which, of course, is what I need.

So I'm going to order some legere reeds. Is it safe to mark the thick part with a magic marker in order to keep them numbered so I can rotate them correctly (1 - 4)? Or would that affect it's playing ability?


Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!

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 Re: Marking Legere Reeds
Author: hans 
Date:   2007-07-01 18:31


Each Legere has a sticker with a unique serial number to let you identify them. Since all Legere reeds of the same rating play virtually identically, you may find that rotating them is not worth the effort, unless I misunderstood your intention.


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 Re: Marking Legere Reeds
Author: sfalexi 
Date:   2007-07-01 18:43


I think they may last a little longer if I don't use the same reed every day and give it a rest. Don't know if that's gonna work or not, but it's a thought.

Also, I ordered two of the Quebec, and two of the Regular cut. Not sure which one I'll like more, but I want to know which one I'm playing at any given time.


Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!

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 Re: Marking Legere Reeds
Author: GBK 
Date:   2007-07-01 19:11

sfalexi wrote:

> Is it safe to mark the thick part with a magic marker in order
> to keep them numbered so I can rotate them correctly (1 - 4)?

It's a PLASTIC REED. Aren't we getting a bit too anal about what can affect it?

As Hans said, to tell the same strength Legere reeds apart, you can remember the last few digits of the (unuque) serial number of each reed or place a small dot on the butt end of the reed, marking it just as you would a cane reed.

Again...it's a plastic reed with a limited lifespan.


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 Re: Marking Legere Reeds
Author: JJAlbrecht 
Date:   2007-07-01 20:39

Other possibilities:

You could use the marker to number the peel-off labels that have the serial numbers on them.

Have you considered a reed case that has numbered slots? This makes for easy identification. The Protec reed case I use has numbered slots for a dozen Bb clarinet reeds, six on each side.

You can mark the end of the reed as GBK mentions, but they differentiate the Quebecs from the standards, in that the Quebec cut reeds have a small dot on the butt-end of the reed.

I think you will like the reeds, if you give them a fair chance, Alexi. Most clarinetists prefer the Quebec cut; it seems to produce a much more agreeable and desirable tone.

Have fun!


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 Re: Marking Legere Reeds
Author: sherman 
Date:   2007-07-01 21:27

Here are a are two things that may be of assistance:
While yes, it is a plastic reed, it is much more difficult to remember, especially if you try to remember the last few numbers. It is better to use a permanent marker and mark the butt of the reed. They are much more regular appearing than are cane, which are easily discernible (and to remember the shadings of the bark). I find it is important to keep them flattened to an extent by either using a protek reed case or almost anything, because they do warp or change in some way, but you can return to them if you alternate them, and keeping them flat and dry seems to help.
This BTW, in spite of the fact that they insist that it is not important to wet the reed.

One other thing is that the strength you use is crucial, and the Quebec cut is not necessarily the better of the two.

I do not clain any expertise in this synthetic product. I had written a terribly critical review of them but feel differently at the present time. Yes, I would play a concert on them.

good luck.

sherman friedland

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 Re: Marking Legere Reeds
Author: Roger Aldridge 
Date:   2007-07-01 21:38


Guy Legere recommends rotating Legere reeds after about an hour of heavy playing. In my personal experience I've been able to go longer....perhaps 90 minutes or so. After 2 hours I definitely notice a softening.

I typically have 3-4 Legere reeds in rotation in a Selmer reed case for each of my horns. After the reeds rest for a period of time they return to their original strength. I cannot say how long it takes....perhaps an hour or so. I've never bothered to investigate. Having 3-4 reeds in rotation are all I need to get through any performance. My reeds are back to normal the next day. All of this is documented on the Legere web site in the downloadable manual.

It's my personal habit to remove the sticker as it seems to me that I have a better tonal quality without it. If I need to mark strength -- or in my case a code to distinguish Legere bass clarinet and tenor saxophone reeds -- I use a permanent marker....which isn't truly permanent on the Legere material but it stays on for quite a while.


Post Edited (2007-07-01 21:47)

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 Re: Marking Legere Reeds
Author: kilo 
Date:   2007-07-02 00:55

My Selmer reed case holds 6 Legere reeds. I simply use the one on the left side of the case, while sliding the rest over one space, then replace it in the space on the right. No need to mark or memorize.

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 Re: Marking Legere Reeds
Author: sfalexi 
Date:   2007-07-02 05:34

Thanks for the ideas. I didn't know the quebecs have a dot so that'll help distinguish them.


Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!

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 Re: Marking Legere Reeds
Author: seafaris 
Date:   2007-07-02 13:26


I use the same system as Roger. i have found that after playing a reed for a few days the sticker starts to get frayed from the ligature.


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 Re: Marking Legere Reeds
Author: FrankM 
Date:   2010-01-06 14:15

Is there any way to tell what reed you have based on the serial number? I've lost the size sticker, and would like to purchase some more of the ones I like...if the serial numbers are listed on their website, I couldn't find it!

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 Re: Marking Legere Reeds
Author: DavidBlumberg 
Date:   2010-01-06 14:23

If you ordered them directly from Guy Legere, he may have your info saved. Otherwise try asking where you got them from previously.


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 Re: Marking Legere Reeds
Author: Ed 
Date:   2010-01-06 15:53

I would just use a sharpie.

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 Re: Marking Legere Reeds
Author: Liquorice 
Date:   2010-01-06 17:46

I've been trying the Legere Signature reeds in the orchestra for the last few days. None of my colleagues can hear if I'm using wood or plastic. I'm VERY impressed with these reeds!

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 Re: Marking Legere Reeds
Author: Liquorice 
Date:   2010-01-06 17:47

... on second thoughts- maybe my colleagues can't hear if I'm using wood or plastic because I always sound so bad??! :-(

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 Re: Marking Legere Reeds
Author: FrankM 
Date:   2010-01-06 18:21

For what it's worth, the 2 Signature series reeds I just received don't have a serial # on them.

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