The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Brenda ★2017
Date: 2007-06-15 22:03
This is coming up quickly! How many of you have made plans to attend? It would be kind of fun to see people, to put a face to those who write on the BB.
But I'll have to wait until next year in Missouri for that pleasure. This year we'd planned to attend for the first time, but circumstances changed and it's not possible. One of the circumstances that arose was taking delivery of a new Rossi C clarinet, a real treat! So the trips will wait for another time.
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Author: hartt
Date: 2007-06-16 00:47
I don't live in Vancouver but I will be there and playing in the Festival choir.
I'm arriving afternoon of the 3rd and departing afternoon of the 8th
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Author: mnorswor
Date: 2007-06-16 03:39
I'll be there. I'm playing on Elsa Verdehr's tribute concert on July 8 in the morning.
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Author: susieray
Date: 2007-06-16 07:03
I'm going and I'll be in the Festival choir. Are we all going to wear purple or something so we can find each other?????
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Author: sfalexi
Date: 2007-06-16 09:01
Unfortunately due to circumstances I also won't be there this year. But I'm going to the one in Missouri next year. It'll be my first clarinetfest, and my second clarinet "gathering" in my life. The first one was pretty cool (Clarinet Day at Mannes School of Music) and I can't even begin to imagine what clarinetfest would be like in comparison . . .
Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!
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Author: Brenda Siewert
Date: 2007-06-16 14:20
I'll catch you next year in Missouri. Have to save the pennies for my Israel gig. But, oh how beautiful Vancouver is...sigh.
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Author: Tom Piercy
Date: 2007-06-16 16:38
I'll be there.
I'm performing a Piazzolla program (Oblivion and Le Grand Tango for clarinet, double bass and piano) on the morning of the 6th.
Hope to see you all there; see old friends and put some names with faces from the BBoard.
Tom Piercy
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Author: marcia
Date: 2007-06-16 16:45
I'll be performing on July 4, 8:00 with PSWE. Three clarinet soloists on the programme: Eddie Daniels, Tom Puwlaski, Mary Backun.
Brenda-thanks for the comment about beautiful Vancouver. Those of us who live here certainly agree with that!
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Author: Brenda ★2017
Date: 2007-06-16 18:16
Marcia, how's the restoration coming along in Stanley Park? That would be a very nice place to take a stroll while visiting Vancouver, but from the news reports we've seen on CBC TV a lot of the huge trees aren't there any more. It's too bad that the terrible wind storms did so much damage over the winter, but we've heard that the city is doing as much as possible to beautify the park while planting new trees. We lived three years in Surrey so appreciate how beautiful the entire area can be...when the rain stops and the sun comes out, if you don't rust first!
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Author: Don Gross
Date: 2007-06-17 16:03
I'll be there playing contrabass with the Los Angeles Clarinet Choir sitting next to Alex. Well, someone has to. Cheers, Don
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Author: BassetHorn
Date: 2007-06-17 23:45
Although I live in Vancouver, I probably won't be able to attend all the events, what I wish to see are bass clarinet performances (recitals, workshop, etc.). I read the schedules on the ClarinetFest site, but can't figure out where the BC events are. Does anyone know and could you share the info with me?
While you guys are in town, try to get out and see about the town. The weather is getting better all the day, with pleasant temperature and great sun all day long. Gastown and Yaletown are great places to visit, Stanley Park, Queen Elizabeth Park, Van Dusen Botanical Garden, Burnaby Mountain which houses Simon Fraser University. Downtown core, Robson Street, Denman Street, English Bay, Granville Island, The Old Chinatown and the "new" Chinatown in Richmond, North and West Vancouver, Commercial Drive, etc.
And for classical music fans, visit Sikora Music. A great specialty store.
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Author: marcia
Date: 2007-06-18 01:56
Stanley Park, and if you have time for a bit of a drive either Grouse Mountain or Seymour Mountain. I know neither of the mountains were on the above list, but they are certainly part of the Vancouver scene.
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Author: EEBaum
Date: 2007-06-18 05:42
Something else I've been wondering... how is public transit in Vancouver? Is it a reasonable way to get around in a somewhat-timely manner, or would a car rental be necessary for some side trips?
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Author: marcia
Date: 2007-06-18 05:52
The answer to the public transit question is-depends where you are, and wehre you want to go. For some things it is excellent, for others very tedious. For side trips a car rental would likely be necessary.
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Author: eefer ★2017
Date: 2007-06-18 13:05
Don't forget to visit Morrie Backun's shop. There isn't anywhere like it in North America. The Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge is great too, and a better choice than Capilano. A lot less moey. And don't forget to go to Deep Cove. If you want a dip in a great pool, there is a huge one (1/4 mi. in length) in Stanley Park.
Nancy Buckman
AACC Symphony Orchestra
Opera AACC
Early Music Society of Northern MD
(and a lot of other ensembles, too)
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Author: BassetHorn
Date: 2007-06-18 15:10
With regards to transportation around town, if you with to visit places located within Vancouver, local transportation is fairly extensive and convenient by using bus and skytrain, a rapid transit system similar to subway. This system will be take you into Burnaby, New Westminster, and as far out as Surrey, but if you wish to venture further out of the city and have limited time, then a car is recommended. Also note that there is quite a bit of road construction going on in the city right now in preparation for the Olympics, so expect some traffic congestion and road blockages in Vancouver and Richmond.
The UBC campus itself is a great place to visit, there are hiking trails, gardens and beaches. Can easily spend a full day there. Massullo Music is another great music store easy to get to. Sandro the owner is a nice guy and will take care of your instrument repair needs often right on the spot while you wait.
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Author: L. Omar Henderson
Date: 2007-06-18 22:52
Doctor's Products and Forte' Clarinet will be at ClarinetFest but with much diminished stock due to customs complications. See Y'all there. Staying in the dorms.
L. Omar Henderson
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Author: clariniano
Date: 2007-06-19 00:02
Nope, already going on one trip with my parents, plus practicing for my Grade 6 piano exam and studying for my Grade 3 History exam in August. Plus students working at between Grade 4 and Grade 8 clarinet, along with teaching a couple of Introductory level piano students.
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Author: susieray
Date: 2007-06-19 04:46
I'm staying in the dorms; after staying at the Omni Hotel for 5 nights last year, (over $750!!!!!) I'm going to pinch pennies this time.
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Author: Tom Puwalski
Date: 2007-06-21 21:43
I'll be there perfoming a klezmer medley on the first night concert and doing my "klezmer for the klassically impaired" class and my band the Atonement will be doing a show on Friday afternoon. That will be a fun show! I think Morrie booked my band a Bar Mitsvah while we're up there too. See you in Vancouver.
Tom Puwalski
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Author: marcia
Date: 2007-06-21 22:32
Tom, I am one of the lucky PSWE people that will be sharing the stage with you on opening night. The piece is pretty exciting without solo, can't wait to hear it with solo!
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Author: Tom Puwalski
Date: 2007-06-21 22:43
I'm glad you like playing it, it's a real blast to play. I'm going to try to play in the band for the whole show. I can't get into this walk out and solo thing. If you haven't played 3 marches, 2 overtures, an operatic vocal solo, you just ain't warmed up enough! What is on the rest of that night's concert? Later Tom
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Author: John Morton
Date: 2007-06-22 04:09
I can only spare a day or possibly two for the fest. Does anyone know what I'll be paying for day passes? Does the "companion pass" option extend to day pass attendees?
I find Vancouver transit very good compared to other places I have lived. However UBC is not central, so allow lots of travel time.
My suggestion for top visitor destination is Casa Gelato. I'm not kidding. I was going to mention their 218 flavours of ice cream, but a check of their website says it is now 508 flavours. It's open 'til 11 every night, 1033 Venables St.
John Morton
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Author: redwine
Date: 2007-06-22 11:42
I've managed to squeeze a two-day trip into the weekend. I'll be there the 6th and 7th of July. John Weir has graciously allowed me to hang out at his booth. I hope you can drop by and say hello.
I'm still disappointed that this year and next fall so close to July 4th. Very poor planning, in my opinion.
Ben Redwine, DMA
owner, RJ Music Group
Assistant Professor, The Catholic University of America
Selmer Paris artist
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2007-06-22 12:37
redwine wrote:
> I'm still disappointed that this year and next fall so close to
> July 4th. Very poor planning, in my opinion.
Whole bunch of us working stiffs who actually appreciate the 'Fest falling through a holiday. One less day of annual vacation to burn through.
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Author: sherman
Date: 2007-06-22 14:32
I think for Ben, the fourth of July is no holiday but a heavy day of work. He is a military bandsman, among the other hats he wears.
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Author: Tom Puwalski
Date: 2007-06-22 22:47
A year where I won't have to play 1812, I'll miss Stars and stripes but I never got tired of that one, and a chance to play Klezmer with a really good band and not have artilery any where near the stage. Count ME IN!!
If I can find a orthodox Rabbi, before I leave for Vancouver to chant the proper blessing over my clarinet I will be performing that night on my new Leblanc, maybe there will be fireworks in Canada after all!!!!
Tom Puwalski
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Author: marcia
Date: 2007-06-23 02:07
>and a chance to play Klezmer with a really good band
And we, (as in PSWE) are looking forward to playing Klezmer with you!!
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Author: Michelle
Date: 2007-06-24 00:18
How many people would give up their backup clarinet to go to ClarinetFest? How amazing is it, really?
Having never gone before, and having not heard anything about it before haunting this board, I think it sounds like fun but ... what's it like? I did a few searches and it sounds like it's basically a trade show, with classes, demonstrations and products to buy.
Would the average clarinetist who doesn't need to buy new clarinet toys benefit from the experience? (OK, *need* is relative...)
Is it best to go for the whole time, or is one day enough for the average player?
I am within 2 hrs driving distance, but have to cross the border to get there. Haven't gotten any time off work, and don't know if I can, and am in the middle of Brigadoon rehearsals... will I regret not going in the future?
Thanks, all...
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2007-06-24 00:58
Michelle wrote:
> I did a few searches and it sounds like
> it's basically a trade show, with classes, demonstrations and
> products to buy.
You have it backwards.
It's more like a continuous concert (new music and standards) and masterclass with a place to try out new gadgets and instruments when you get tired of listening.
Heck, I'm flying in from Detroit to Seattle and driving up (along with seeing a couple of old friends in the Seattle area - I lived in the area a bit over 20 years back). Go on up for a day or so. 2 hours is nothing - I waste that much time every day round trip to work.
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Author: Don Gross
Date: 2007-06-30 14:04
Now that the performance schedule for ClarinetFest 2007 is pretty much finalized, it's time for a not-so-subtle plug. The Los Angeles Clarinet Choir will be performing an original work for clarinet choir (Eb to Bb contrabass with basset horn instead of alto clarinet) by Pasadena, California composer Edward Cansino. Ed came to our premier concert and remarked to our conductor, Margaret Thornhill, that having to lead such a group must be quite a "circus." Well, he went back to his studio and composed an original 9-movement suite for clarinet choir and percussion (a one-man band part) entitled, "The Great Clarinet Circus." The movements include "Parade, Animal Acts, Clowns, The Mighty Elephants, A Sad Clown (basically a basset horn solo with clarinet choir performed by LA Phil bass clarinetist David Howard), Three Rings, More Clowns, Fanfare (which we will not include in the perfomance because of time constraints), and Grand Finale." Sadly, we have been scheduled to perform on Friday afternoon at 4:30 p.m. in the School of Music Recital Hall at the same time as the Festival Choir Rehearsal. But if you want to hear a truly amazing new work for clarinet choir and percussion, please come hear us.
Don Gross
Contrabass Clarinet
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Author: Brenda ★2017
Date: 2007-07-01 03:13
Don, will that piece be available later for other clarinet choirs?
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Author: Don Gross
Date: 2007-07-01 04:05
It certainly will. Please contact our conductor, Margaret Thornhill, via her Website for the details on how to order.
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Author: marcia
Date: 2007-07-05 06:11
>and a chance to play Klezmer with a really good band
>And we, (as in PSWE) are looking forward to playing Klezmer with you!!
And play we did, Tom is a class act! And a swell guy too. He looked like he was really enjoying hanging out back stage talking to us PSWE types. Thank you Tom!
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Author: Garret
Date: 2007-07-05 07:10
A great first day at ClarinetFest. I wish I could have made it to more performances but the great weather was also calling.
To ALL members of PSWE, terrific job tonight! It was an amazing concert and the soloists were superb as well. That was some tough music for all to get through.
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Author: marcia
Date: 2007-07-05 17:58
Thanks for being at our concert, and for your compliments. It was a challenge, but also great fun. I hope you are able to take in some of the best that Vancouver has to offer. The weather is definitely smiling on us right now.
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Author: Don Gross
Date: 2007-07-08 15:01
"To ALL members of PSWE, terrific job tonight!"
Having returned early to Los Angeles last night, I certainly second that compliment. While I've already forgotten his name, the PSWE's bass clarinetist did an absolutely amazing job of interpreting the bass clarinet solos in Frank Ticheli's "Blue Shades." While most of the solo soprano Bb artists shape and bend notes a la New Orleans jazz, never have I heard the bass clarinet part "interpreted" like that. It also helped to be playing it on a Buffet 1193 with a Backun bass clarinet bell. What amazing projection!
Sadly, the continuation of the phrase that is handed down to lower and lower clarinets ended with the tuba and NOT a contrabass clarinet. For shame.
P.s. I hope that some of you got to hear "The Great Clarinet Circus" that the Los Angeles Clarinet Choir performed. Sadly, a rehearsal of the Festival Clarinet Choir was scheduled directly opposite our performace. As its contrabass player, I also seemed to be the only "bottom feeder" at ClarinetFest.
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