The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Kareeser
Date: 2007-05-01 16:44
... and I chose the Clarinet! Lucky mee...
Some background: I've been playing sax for roughly eight years now, and have borrowed a clarinet from a very good friend of mine. I know it's usually preferable for Clarinet players to switch to Sax, and not the other way around, but hey, I hear it can be done!
I spent about an hour and a half noodling around on it, and managed to get out the Bb concert scale with a fairly good tone. A little airy, but it wasn't half bad for my first day. One thing I did notice that I kept instinctively switching back to my saxophone embouchure to get the proper sound out.
Any tips/books?
Definitely getting lessons if I can find some (which won't be too hard), but I'm still just "doubling" on Clarinet... so any advice would be appreciated.
- Julian
P.S. I thought the break from C to D on sax was bad.. it's worse on the Clarinet...
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Author: hans
Date: 2007-05-01 18:37
Artie Shaw started on sax and it didn't seem to hinder his clarinet playing.
Send me an email and I'll send you some notes to get you started. Be sure to put Clarinet in the subject line so that I don't think it's spam.
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Author: seafaris
Date: 2007-05-01 18:46
Eddie Daniels also started on Sax. Rodger Alridge frenquents this board and is a doubler and always adds something constructive. I am sure he would be willing to give you some pointers.
Good luck!
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