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 You never really appreciate a good horn until it's gone . . .
Author: sfalexi 
Date:   2006-11-24 16:40

Just venting a bit. My personal horn is phenominal. Keys are well adjusted, it's well in tune, and a dream to play. But for right now, I have to play a different horn that can withstand outdoor elements. And man does it make me miss my well adjusted horn.

Just an example of another thing that you don't realize what you have until it's gone.

Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!

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 Re: You never really appreciate a good horn until it's gone . . .
Author: donald 
Date:   2006-11-24 17:40

but it's not really "gone" is it?
i know what you mean though

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 Re: You never really appreciate a good horn until it's gone . . .
Author: D 
Date:   2006-11-24 19:01

Too right. mine have both gone on a holiday to get some work done (you see all these cheap plastic surgery deals in the paper..........) and even though i have another, and actually have been at a festival all week playing early music so haven't touched the clarinet till today, I am really starting to feel like i am missing a limb.

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 Re: You never really appreciate a good horn until it's gone . . .
Author: Morrigan 
Date:   2006-11-24 22:21

Be glad that it's not truly gone then!

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 Re: You never really appreciate a good horn until it's gone . . .
Author: tictactux 2017
Date:   2006-11-24 22:55

Then again, there's a chance...

I "discovered" my new mouthpiece while on vacation with the backup plastic honker. It (the mpc) just sat on the shelf because it sounded stuffy and all that. Decided to give it a 2nd chance and packed it with the Bundy, with no easy way out alternative. I "gnawed through" for two days, since then it's "mine". Maybe I was just not ready for it when I bought it.

I bet you will miss that backup horn when you've given it back. [tongue]
<GAS devil, whispering>
buy it...buy it...buy it...
< />


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 Re: You never really appreciate a good horn until it's gone . . .
Author: Lynn 
Date:   2006-11-24 23:43


Where are you? When we corresponded a few weeks ago about the Austin, TX music scene you were in Ft. Hood awaiting deployment to Iraq. Are you there now? If so......stay safe and be very careful. We cannot afford to lose a dedicated clarinet player to misfortune. I hope your Thanksgiving was a good one.

Lynn McLarty
Horseshoe Bay, TX

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 Re: You never really appreciate a good horn until it's gone . . .
Author: sfalexi 
Date:   2006-11-25 04:53


Yup. In Iraq right now. So I can't use my Opus. Gotta use a horn for the outdoor weather. About a year tour. But I'll be back. And I'm actually hoping to get stationed in Houston (still not too far from Austin) so I'll be able to make a trip up there and here all that great music! I'll post when I return and then you just send me a note (or reply to that post and I'll send you an email) and we'll see what's going on in the Austin area when I return!


Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!

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 Re: You never really appreciate a good horn until it's gone . . .
Author: Brenda Siewert 
Date:   2006-11-26 14:22

I'm sitting at my desk in our lake cabin in Austin right now. We have a place at Lake Travis and I can say it's worth the almost 3 1/2 hour drive from Abilene to get down here. There are always great concerts and music everywhere in town.

Yeah, keep safe.

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