The Clarinet BBoard
Author: KellyA
Date: 2006-11-07 19:40
I had a scary experience with my Bam Xlite single clarinet case. The case zippers shut around all sides. It is easy to mistake that the case is zippered shut because of it's dark, almost hidden zipper. When you overlook that the zipper is open, disaster strikes when you pick the case up by the handle. Especially when you temporarily close the case to put something in the accesory pocket on the outside of the top shell. This recently happened to me, luckily the clarinet just spilled out onto my bed. If it had been a hard floor, it would have suffered some damage. Also, I am not impressed with the flimsy construction of the case, it really offers your instrument no protection from sudden impact or pressure. A quality hardshell case provides much more protection. I'm looking to get a better, safer case very soon.
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Author: Iceland clarinet
Date: 2006-11-07 19:53
I have a BAM double case and the zippers are really bad. My teacher has also a BAM bass case and the zippers are also broken. One player I know had his case for about 2-3 years or so and then the zippers all the way around were loosing up so he had to close the case it with a belt over it and the clue on the side were loosing up from the foam/sponge shell.
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Author: D
Date: 2006-11-07 19:54
I don't think it is designed to take hard blows. It's more like a robust gig bag. I am increasingly finding I need different cases for different occasions. You might find you have to do this too if you find you are playing in many different groups.
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Author: Danny Boy
Date: 2006-11-07 20:28
There's a very simple way to solve the problem...
Put velcro inside the case to keep the lid down even when the case is not zipped.
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Author: Morrigan
Date: 2006-11-07 20:37
That's a good idea Danny!
My BAM case's zips are totally gone after 3 years use. I do up the front two clasps, then take the backpack straps around the opposite they, across the top (accessory pouch) and do them up at the back. Seems secure, haven't had any accidents, and you can tell if it's shut or not!
I ALSO has an accident with my Bb clarinet by now knowing the case was open. Lots of wood splinters... Not good!
I plan on taking mmy BAM to a luggage repairer once I have the time, to get all zips replaced, hopefully with better quality ones...
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Author: Danny Boy
Date: 2006-11-07 20:48
I should also add in...that BAM have redesigned the Trekking case with new zips and a different interior material. I have the newer model, a great improvement over my old one.
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Author: Brenda Siewert
Date: 2006-11-07 20:53
I had a similar accident with my R-13 in a rehearsal hall overseas last year and bent 3 keys. I've recently purchased a couple of Dublin cases from Ben Redwine that have the velcro fasteners at the top to prevent this type of situation. I have an extra small one that doesn't carry much but fits in my carry-on luggage perfectly, and another one that also carries my music folder and extras that I use for local work. They're inexpensive and very good cases.
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Author: C2thew
Date: 2006-11-08 06:24
In my opinion, i think that bam cases are a tad overpriced and don't serve it's true "protection" as a sturdier case might offer. Although i will give it an A+ for the simplicity and style of the case as well as it's sole purpose of being a super light case rather than having to carry 4 more extra pounds of weight. Light, easy, clean. needs room for accessories though.
Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things. they are but improved means to an unimproved end, an end which was already but too easy to arrive as railroads lead to Boston to New York
-Walden; Henry Thoreau
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Author: 2E
Date: 2006-11-08 07:52
If the BAM cases are thought of so negatively here on the Bboard, does anyone have any recommendations for good cases theyve had experiences with? Im currently looking into the GATOR GL bag as it seems to be very heavy duty much like the other gig bags in the GATOR range. Any thoughts?
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Author: Matt Locker
Date: 2006-11-08 12:37
I like my Pro-Tec bag. I'ts 5 years old with no sign of giving anything up. It's got a double handle that helps prevent major issues if you forget to zip it up.
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Author: Katrina
Date: 2006-11-08 15:31
I've been using a Bam Xlite for about 5 years now, and while I sometimes need to switch back to a double case, the Bam has held up extremely well for me. I originally bought it to take on a performance tour to Europe because it needed to go in my backpack along with lots of other stuff that couldn't be checked (meds, etc.).
I have had no zipper problems (knock on wood!) yet, with regular use.
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Author: gwie
Date: 2006-11-08 19:08
BAM ought to use their "hightech" construction style (currently available in violin, viola, and curiously bari sax) and create a clarinet case out of that. It would be fairly protective and lightweight, without the zipper issues.
My bias: I've owned (and subsequently) disliked most of BAM's product line for violins and violas. They just come to pieces over any period of use, and seem overpriced considering the fit and finish of their cases.
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