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 Reeds and Sandpaper
Author: dhertig 
Date:   2006-11-03 16:56

Any pointers on the "How to" of sanding reeds. I've got a box of Vandorens that are mostly too stiff and I'd like to sand out some of the stiffness. Thanks!

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 Re: Reeds and Sandpaper
Author: sfalexi 
Date:   2006-11-03 17:21

If you can, I'd buy the ATG system. It comes with sandpaper, a flat piece of glass, and a very informative book on how to use the sandpaper on reeds. I found the book and (with the package I bought) DVD to be worth the money. Lost the block, but I can still use the dvd and book and stuff it's taught me.


Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!

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 Re: Reeds and Sandpaper
Author: D 
Date:   2006-11-03 22:25

or do a search for 'reed doctor clarinet' in google and look at dr downing. it is a cheap little book that fits in your pocket. i don't have this one but i have several others and do think they are worth the money.

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 Re: Reeds and Sandpaper
Author: Bill 
Date:   2006-11-03 22:41

Reed rush, an old technology, actually works (as an alternative to sandpaper). I'd also like to recommend Charles Stier's book on reed adjustment ("Clarinet reeds : definitive instruction in an elusive art.").


Bill Fogle
Ellsworth, Maine
(formerly Washington, DC)

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 Re: Reeds and Sandpaper
Author: FDF 
Date:   2006-11-03 22:44

I've used the tips from Jack Brymer's book to good success. The two sides or wings on the upper quarter of the reed should be taken down for hardness of blowing. A portion in the center near the tip is an area to remove harshness of closure. On either side just above the tapered part of the reed are areas of brightness. After finishing the three areas of the reed I'm interested in, I work the entire tapered area for smoothness. Then, I make sure the back of the reed is smooth.

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