The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Mags1957
Date: 2006-10-18 16:39
Any suggestions for clarinet solo with band? I know of all the old standard ones (Concertino, Weber, 2nd, etc.) - just wondering if anyone has done something more recent with any success. I have a pretty strong clarinet player to feature (advanced high school), and a pretty decent band. I don't really want anything grade 6, but as strong 4 or 5 would be fine. Thanks in advance!
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Author: coasten1
Date: 2006-10-18 17:08
I don't remember the arranger, but there is an Artie Shaw medley that isn't too difficult and if your clarinetist is creative, he/she could spice up the solo part with some smears and ad lib.
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Author: Katrina
Date: 2006-10-18 17:08
Ticheli's Blue Shades has an extended clarinet feature. It's not really the same as a concerto however. The plus, IMO, is that it will stretch the technique of your player in a very positive way, particularly if the player is "stuck" in a classical rut!
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Author: David Spiegelthal ★2017
Date: 2006-10-18 18:39
Blue Shades is fun for the bass clarinetist too, but it's nowhere near being a feature for the instrument as it is for the soprano clarinet.
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Author: DaveF
Date: 2006-10-19 06:45
Immer Kleiner, by Adolph Schreiner (Ludwig Music Publishing) has an arrangement for clarinet soloist and band. The clarinet solo is moderately challenging, but should be within reach of an advanced HS player. Of course the piece is a humorous novelty number as you disassemble the clarinet throughout the piece, but before you take off the lower joint, there's some nice passages to show off.
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Author: William
Date: 2006-10-19 14:25
This summer I played the Artie Shaw CONCERTO FOR CLARINET with our local Capitol City Band. However--and unfortunately--the arrangement was done especially for us and there are no current plans for its publication. For any further details, I may be contacted via email.
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Author: cigleris
Date: 2006-10-19 14:37
Check the copyright with your arrangement of the Artie Shaw Concerto. I know that the Royal Marines have an arrangement.
Peter Cigleris
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Author: claritoot26
Date: 2006-10-20 18:14
Solo de Concours by Andre Messager. Might be out of print, though. There's also an arrangement of the Schindler's List violin solo for clarinet and band. If the clarinetist is super and has already learned it, Rossini's Intro, Theme, and Variations is excellent. If you have 2 clarinetists who are good, a Mendelssohn Concertpiece would work well.
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Author: David Niethamer
Date: 2006-10-21 03:31
James Curnow - Concertpiece
John Heins - Concerto
Rabaud - Solo de Concours (rental from Southern Music, last I knew)
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Author: hinotehud ★2017
Date: 2006-10-21 14:46
I just listened to a recording of Warren Barker's Concerto for Clarinet and Band performed by the Grand Rapids Symphonic Band (Michigan) and found it to be quite nice. It had good parts for soloist and band. Audiences would love it. I couldn't tell the difficulty of the clarient part, but it sounded 4-5.
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Author: William
Date: 2006-10-21 15:20
Peter, my arrangement was done for me at my request and is not published. Therefore has no copyright designation. The arranger does have many other work published that do have copyrights, and he is considering this one. But so far, no plans..........
There are two other existing arrangements that I know of--UW-Milwaukee and our own US Marine Band (The President's Own)--but like mine, they are not published and definately not for public use. I believe that John Bruce-Yeh used the original Artie Shaw arrangement when he recorded his EBONY CONCERTO CD with the DePaul University Jazz Ensemble. Why that arrangement is still unpublished is a mystery to me, but it exists only in the library of the "official" Artie Shaw orchestra and is not available for public use. So, for me, the only thing to do was to have my arranger friend--a retired UW-Whitewater professor of jazz studies--do one from the published piano accompaniment while listening to the CD. Worked for me and our audience.
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Author: bumblebee10
Date: 2006-10-22 18:21
There's a beautiful jewish piece we played in our clarinet group called "Spirit Freilach" arr. by David Gilman. Maybe it's not fit for a big band though... you could try. Our solo clarinetist was in year 6 but it's not difficult for one in 4th... even if the piece is quite quick. Hope I helped^^.
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Author: bumblebee10
Date: 2006-10-22 18:34
bumblebee10 wrote:
> Our solo clarinetist was in year 6 but it's not difficult for one in
> 4th... even if the piece is quite quick. Hope I helped^^.
Sorry, I have to correct myself. This piece is for the medium lvl in Conservatory, I didn't know that in USA it was different... this is confusing!! :s but if your clarinetist is good and you like nice fast pieces with rithmn and tunes that you keep humming the rest of the day... this is the piece 4 you!
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Author: clarinetist04
Date: 2006-10-22 20:33
The Heins would be way too difficult. I would also suggest the Warren Barker piece, great melody great piece, not too difficult or too it could be a nice memorial piece since, I believe, he passed away not too long ago. It is published by Southern Music. A few tricky passages and a nice long cadenza, maybe a grade 5 piece for the soloist? Another piece that may be too difficult is McAllister's piece, "X." Very difficult though. Cahuzac's Variations sur un air du pays d'oc is also a pretty tough solo part but a really nice piece. I think everything Weber wrote is published for clarient with band. Another VERY accessible piece is Crussell's Variations on a Swedish Air. I don't think that is published by I know the arranger and I'm certain he would be willing to send a copy gratis. I believe I have a recording somewhere but there are several orchestral recordings of it to give you an ide aof tghe difficulty. Hope this helps. If you want more suggestions just let me know off the board. A search through the board archives may prove helpful as well.
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