The Clarinet BBoard
Author: kev182
Date: 2006-08-18 13:53
Hey guys, I wanted to ask about using bore oil on the clarinet. I find it pretty controversial. All my teachers in Europe are die hard fans of oiling the and out with a oiled swap around once a year. In the states people say it would damage my clarinet. I do remember after oiling the incredible resonance and sound I got from my clarinet.. and everyone including my teacher says my clarinet is totally fine..but he doesnt reccomend oiling either
what do you guys think?
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2006-08-18 14:48
kev182 wrote:
> and everyone
> including my teacher says my clarinet is totally fine..but he
> doesnt reccomend oiling either
"Everyone" including your teacher, all of which have physical access to your clarinet to inspect it, say it's fine and you're sounding fine ... and we can't see your clarinet to make a judgement.
I know which opinion I'd trust.
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Author: kev182
Date: 2006-08-19 09:12
yes, my clarinet is fine...
I was asking about the possible beneficial uses of bore oil or not using any at all
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2006-08-19 09:40
"I do remember after oiling the incredible resonance and sound I got from my clarinet"
Was your clarinet oiled when it was also repaired or adjusted for other things (like pad heights for example). It is most likely that it improved because of other adjustments, and if not, it is very possible psychology played a trick on you. Plus what Mark said.
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Author: kev182
Date: 2006-08-19 11:38
No, it was oiled 2 years after any repair hehe... I did it myself because no one else plays clarinet in india
It BADLY needs adjustment....but cant do anything now +(
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Author: BobD
Date: 2006-08-19 14:28
It remains one of the most controversial subjects aired here. Aside from the possible benefit of preserving the wood it is possible that oiling may remove "crud" and thus restore bore dimensions. An oil that is harmful to wood will probably do more damage than good. If you chew tobacco or any of that stuff they chew in India you should probably change instruments; bugle being a good choice.
Bob Draznik
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Author: kev182
Date: 2006-08-19 16:38
Lol, no i don't chew any tabacco and I'm out of India now.. I have Leblanc Bore oil...would that be suitable?
what are the possible disadvantages of this? In what ways would the wood be damaged?
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