The Clarinet BBoard
Author: kev182
Date: 2006-08-14 13:52
Hi guys,
My teacher in Romania had asked me to tongue with my tongue just under my lower lip... and i have been playing like this for a LONG time!! from 4th grade.. when i get to the states, the the teacher at interlochen said i need to bring it to the tip of the reed. My voicing has gone to crap, as well as tongueing anything! I'm just wondering which is the more correct way.
I read an article saying both methods are used and each argued to be better than the other.
any insight on which is the more correct way?
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Author: vjoet
Date: 2006-08-14 19:49
I think the proof is in the sound you get. If you can get an excellent tonal entrance with the tongue just under the lower lip, keep with it. This would apply to the full range of attacks, from legato tonguing to pizacatto tonguing (almost a "chirping").
Perhaps your new teacher noticed something that was less than optimal with your tonguing, prompting his/her suggestion to use the tip of the reed, as most players do. If that is the case, stick with it. Your tone quality and all will improve as you learn to reconfigure your oral cavity.
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