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 beginners vs. advances
Author: BelgianClarinet 
Date:   2006-08-02 17:52

Probably thousands of threads ;-) discuss the use of moutpiece, ligature and reeds. Plenty of them differenciate between : beginner, intermediate, pro's ....

However, when looking at what 'we do here' this is quite funny.

The PRO teacher with an quite nice history (studying in Germany, Moscou, Holland, Belgium,... ) and quite some famous names involved .... plays 'excactly' the same setup as beginner students - 10 year olds !! - (maybe reeds are a bit lower in rating but NOT much, 3 vs 2 1/2 or so, but MP === 100% same) Maybe she spent more time finding the 'ultimate B40' but at the end of the story 15 year old students use the same setup as the PRO teacher.

So my question : is there really a beginner, intermediate and PRO 'setup', or do we ALL benifit from the same 'strategy' ?
Is the 'beginner setup' a financial issue, do you think the PRO setup is too expensive, even if it would be technically the best solutiion ?

for your info a B40 cost about 70 euro here (90 dollars), VD reeds 15-20 euro/ box

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 Re: beginners vs. advances
Author: KristinVanHorn 
Date:   2006-08-02 20:34

I have tried all the top mouthpieces but always came back to my yamaha 4c beginner because i like the way it sounds better than the fancy ones.

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 Re: beginners vs. advances
Author: Paul Aviles 
Date:   2006-08-03 00:42

My opinion is that the beginner should have the closest thing to a standard set-up as possible. I have seen so many teahers start students on weak set-ups to allow them the ability to get a sound with less effort (embouchure, breath) and I still wonder if that is over done. For example, young students of the violin must use smaller instruments to fit their hands but the pressure that must be applied to the strings is no different from the full size counterparts.

Should their be a shorter "break-in period" for beginners, or non at all? These are issues best left up to you teachers out there but it seems to me that the sooner a student is making adjustments with the best equipment and most standard reed/mouthpiece combo the better.

...........Paul Aviles

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 Re: beginners vs. advances
Author: Bob Phillips 
Date:   2006-08-03 06:01

I'd say that a beginner should get help in making his/er horn easy to play. By the time the student is ready to tackle the altissimo, the student should have the embochure to use a stiff reed.

At that point, the evolution from beginner set up to "as good as I can make it" begins.

Bob Phillips

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 Re: beginners vs. advances
Author: clarnibass 
Date:   2006-08-03 06:57

"So my question : is there really a beginner, intermediate and PRO 'setup', or do we ALL benifit from the same 'strategy'?
Is the 'beginner setup' a financial issue, do you think the PRO setup is too expensive, even if it would be technically the best solutiion?"

I think it is mostly finanacial. The beginners will only choose from the less expensive mouthpeices, while pros will include the expensive ones too. Some people who are becoming good players will start to look for other (sometimes more expensive) mouthpieces. Sometimes they will find and sometimes not.

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 Re: beginners vs. advances
Author: David Peacham 
Date:   2006-08-03 12:19

I asked much the same question a few months ago:



If there are so many people on this board unwilling or unable to have a civil and balanced discussion about important issues, then I shan't bother to post here any more.

To the great relief of many of you, no doubt.

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 Re: beginners vs. advances
Author: sfalexi 
Date:   2006-08-03 13:31


So my question : is there really a beginner, intermediate and PRO 'setup', or do we ALL benifit from the same 'strategy' ?
Is the 'beginner setup' a financial issue, do you think the PRO setup is too expensive, even if it would be technically the best solutiion ?
I don't think there's a big difference in pro/intermediate/beginner setups. I believe it has mostly to do with your ability as a player. While I will certainly be able to tell a difference between a bad beginner's clarinet and a good professional clarinet, I'm thinking that the equipment is a very small percentage of how you sound, and it's mostly how well you USE that equipment.

I don't really think that even though a 'professional' setup is more expensive that it would be any type of solution. I've played some horns that were VERY inexpensive (when compared to your typical 'pro' instruments) and I liked them much more than those expensive pro ones. It's more the player.


Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!

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