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Author: Morrigan
Date: 2006-07-31 12:45
Hi everyone,
I just wanted a little advice here. I'm not a doctor but I think mine was wrong this time around. I seem to get throat infections every few months, and I am usually prescribed some anti-biotics and it's gone in two days or less. My doctor gave me lots of attitude and said to me "You came to a doctor with nothing more than a sore throat?!" and suggested pain killers and bed rest.
Tomorrow will be my seventh day and it only seems to be getting worse as today my ears started becoming blocked. I've got auditions and performances coming up and I haven't played in 6 days. I'm also in the middle of an Honours thesis. This is major downtime at the wrong time of the year.
Should I get a second opinion from another doctor? The first told me anti-biotics won't work but they seem to have done exceedingly well in the past. Anything I can do to make this go away faster? I seem to be doing everything right - a special gargle, multi-vitamins, sleep, plenty of water... I'm going insane, I just want to be back in the action!
All advice greatly appreciated!
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2006-07-31 13:00
A second opinion can't hurt. Also - did you contact your 1st doctor and tell him/her how long this has lasted?
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2006-07-31 13:21
I often get nasty, long-term sinus infections that also are only responsive to antibiotics (most MDs have tole me that these infections are viral and will not be responsive to antibiotics.....someone needs to tell that to the virus). Doctors shun the "over" prescription of such measures because they fear the "bugs" will become more resistant to the available antibiotics and therefore won't work "when you need them." Though this is true, it sounds to me like you need them.
.........Paul Aviles
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Author: hans
Date: 2006-07-31 14:29
I have had pneumonia (and the resulting lung scarring) a few times and each time it started with a throat infection.
Recently (in May) a doctor didn't want to give me antibiotics. The respiratory infection lasted more than three weeks. He must have been very good, to able to tell that it was viral just by looking at my throat.
Re: antibiotic resistant bacteria, I suspect that resistance is much more likely to have resulted from over-use in agriculture than from over-prescribing by doctors.
Post Edited (2006-07-31 14:30)
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Author: Bruno
Date: 2006-07-31 14:42
1. When an infection responds to an antibiotic it's because the pathogen is a bacterium and not a virus. Not all upper respiratory infections are viral.
2. Buy some individually-foil-wrapped alcohol wipes at the pharmacy (the kind the nurse uses to wipe the spot on your arm before inserting the needle) and wipe off your mouthpiece (inside and out) and reed once in a while. They're cheap, stay moist forever, don't take up much room in your case and come in boxes of a hundred.
3. Not a good idea to blow a horn with a cold or sore throat. It pumps the bacteria up the eustacian tubes into the middle ear and can cause otitis media.
4. Two reasons that doctors prescribe antibiotics for viral URIs are a)they help prevent bacterial super-infection when the immune system is already challenged by the URI, and b) patients insist and often switch doctors if their doc is not compliant in this. Both reasons are a bit af a rationalization but nevertheless valid.
5. Think about taking a daily multivitamin. Try Solgar's stress formula (health food stores). And take a lot of ascorbic acid, a gram or two a day.
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Author: Morrigan
Date: 2006-07-31 22:27
Thanks for that guys. I think I WILL go see another doctor today and get that prescription!
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Author: Alexis
Date: 2006-07-31 22:29
A strong echinachea complex has helped me. Actually I have quite a sore throat at the moment..and I have to play bass for Rite of Spring and Daphnis this week.
Sooooo....I'll let you know how it goes while still playing!
I made the realisation that if you don't treat something small like a sore throat early it DOES turn into some type of throat or chest infecation. But at the initial stages its not impossible to get over without antibiotics.
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Author: sdr
Date: 2006-08-01 00:53
Did you ask your doc for advice on how to play the clarinet? No? Then why in the world would you ask for medical advice from a bunch of clarinet players?
Dept of Otology & Laryngology
Harvard Medical School
Mass. Eye & Ear Infirmary
Boston, MA
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Author: hans
Date: 2006-08-01 02:34
Re: "why in the world would you ask for medical advice from a bunch of clarinet players?".
Probably because his doctor was less than helpful and other clarinet players might have coping experience under similar adverse circumstances.
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Author: msloss
Date: 2006-08-01 02:39
I'm going to have to side with the esteemed Dr. Rauch on this one.
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Author: Morrigan
Date: 2006-08-01 05:12
LOL sdr, you seem pretty angry about something! a) My doc doesn't know about the clarinet and b) I'm pretty sure there are doctors who read this bboard who are also clarinetists and c) others may have experienced something similar if not exactly the same as me and could offer some advice. Actually, something about you reminds me of the first doctor I went to... Rude and unhelpful sounds familiar...
Anyway, saw a doc today, got a prescription, will see how things go. Thanks very much everyone.
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Author: Aussiegirl
Date: 2006-08-01 05:36
Pretty much the only thing that ive found you can do for throat infections and clarinet playing is not mix them- even with the antibiotics dont play until you feel more than up for it. I tried to play my way through a throat infection a couple of years ago cos i was determined to do my exam that i was preparing for- i ended up in tears at my accompanists a few days before the exam bc i just felt so rotten and couldnt play. But sounds like you were smart and are actually resting...hope you feel better soon![:)](
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Author: Gordon (NZ)
Date: 2006-08-01 12:07
In the back of the throat there are both bad bacteria (sore throat &/or bad breath), and good bacteria. The goodies fight the baddies and keep them under control. One of the best good guys is named "Streptococcus salivarius k12".
For some people, the baddies tend to beat the goodies a lot of the time.
Antibiotics tend to kill off the whole lot, and then the baddies may re-populate, gaining th eupper hand.
This is possibly what is happening to you.
One approach, which you could suggest to your doctor, is calling for reinforcements - building up the population of the good guys.
The idea is to kill off the bacteria, then build up a huge population of the goodies before the baddies take over. Hence better defences against future bad guys.
This is not science fiction or quackery
The reason I know about this stuff is that leading research was done on it in Otago University in my country, leading to the marketing of "Blis Throat Guard".
More information:
Or, for a USA site, offering a similar treatment, similarly administered, but focusing on the bad breath issues aspects....
It could be some sort of placebo effect, for sure, but I am amazed that for me, opportunistic bacterial infections of the throat following a cold have ceased in the last few years, since I began using this, once or twice per year.
And yes, I agree that is not quite right discussing medical issues on a clarinet forum. However, halitosis may well be a problem for clarinetists too!
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Author: sdr
Date: 2006-08-01 12:32
Not angry at all. Maybe frustrated to be embedded in a healthcare system that serves its "users" so poorly that they cannot get what they need and must resort to less qualified sources. I am sorry that so many docs are poor representatives of the best that the profession has to offer.
Of course you should seek information wherever you can find it. And, as any educated consumer knows, consider the source. If your auto mechanic says you need an antibiotic for your throat, your primary care doc says you need an antibiotic for your throat, and your ENT specialist says you need an antibiotic for your throat, you've gotten the same info from all three sources but all are not equally credible.
Get well soon.
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Author: Alexis
Date: 2006-08-02 22:57
Hi I found echinachea worked very well, even with a full programme and maintaining a normal life. Probably worth giving it a shot if you haven't already.
Hope you feel better
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Author: clarinetress
Date: 2006-08-04 14:01
Your situation sounds really familiar! I went through the same thing my junior year in high school. This happened right around my region auditions so I was practicing a lot. Make sure that you sterilize your mouthpiece because you may just keep reinfecting yourself. Once I sterilized my mouthpiece and contiuned with my prescription it cleared up pretty quickly and for good! Good luck and feel better soon!
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Author: coasten1
Date: 2006-08-07 17:45
Since you said your ears are plugging up, I would suspect a sinus infection. I am getting over one right now. If you blow your nose and other than clear mucous is coming out, you probably have a sinus infection. Only 'the right' antibiotic will take care of it. Not all antibiotics will clear a sinus infection. I'd go for a second opinion. If your insurance covers it, go to a 24 hour walk-in if you can't get in to see another doctor right away.
Just a suggestion too, if you are having head congestion, i'd take a break from playing until you get your sinuses under control. All the pressure from playing can push the infection around in your head and that might be why your ears are bothering you.
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Author: amyeliz
Date: 2006-08-10 03:02
i had recurring strep-like symptoms for almost 2 yrs, starting out about every 3-4 months and then getting progressively more frequent (always with negative strep tests) until finally, last year, i had a fever and inflamed throat every two weeks and could no longer practice or go to class regularly (i was in my 2nd yr of a clarinet performance bm at the time). if it comes back, get a refferal to a ent (ear nose and throat doctor) and have them check everything (especially if you still have your tonsils), because my doctor for over a year just kept telling me that it must be a virus, even though it responded to antibiotics every time.
my advice- get yourself a high dose of antibiotics (twice daily if they'll give it to you) and take that until you're through your auditions. it's not particularly good for you, so most doctors are apprehensive about it, but it's a short term solution (i ended up going on them for a month so that i could go to class every day- it makes a huge difference!)
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