The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Aussie Nick
Date: 2006-07-17 11:44
I am in the process of selecting a program for my final recital for my post graduate course. The definites are:
Muczynski Time Pieces
Martino Set for Clarinet
I have to choose between Brahms Trio (for clarinet cello piano) and Bartok Contrasts (clarinet violin piano) - People I have spoken to about the Brahms seem to think it is not one of his better works, and I have myself almost fallen asleep listening to a recording of it. What is the general concensus on this trio among clarinet players?
Finally we are tossing around the idea of Arthur Benjamin - Le Tombeau de Ravel (spelling?)... I am trying to think of something I could use to replace this if possible without resorting to the Brahms Sonatas, Mozart Copland or Weber Concertos, Schumann works... I suppose there is always Crussel... maybe. Any suggestions? I have to perform an hour program.
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Author: Ryan25
Date: 2006-07-17 15:14
I for one love the Brahms Trio. I think it is a beautiful piece and one of my favorites. I think it works very well on your program and would be a great change of pace. The Muczynski and Martino are both very technical and also very modern. I would not put another modern piece on the program and would also not put another piece that is highly technical. If you don't like the Brahms, what about Beethoven trio, Mozart trio, Schubert Shepard on a rock. Remember some of your audience may not want to hear an hour recital of technical music.
While doing my masters, Richard Stolzman came and played a concert and gave a master class....(I playe Brahms quintet for him and he coached us for about 45 was great!) He performed the Brahms Trio and it was one of the most stunning live performances I have ever heard. His phrasing and melding of sound with the cello and piano was just so special to hear.
Also remember that the Brahms trio (and sonatas and quintet) have some historical interest because after hearing the Mozart Quintet performed, Brahms came out of retirement to write 4 masterworks for clarinet and your auience might really enjoy reading that in your program notes and getting to hear it live. It would also be a good piece for you as far as pacing goes and in the process of working up your recital to performance level, you might really be happy to have this piece to work on as well as having people to interact with instead of bustin your bum in the practice room on your own.
Good luck on the recital and have fun!
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Author: libera_clarinet
Date: 2006-07-17 16:57
Agreed on the above suggestions. Pick at least one piece on the program that's more lyrical than technical, and more classical / romantic than contemporary. Balance is everything.
If your chamber music is contemporary, I'd go with Schumann as your other "solo" piece. If you're going with Brahms, I would recommend to you the Ewazen "Ballade" - it's got nice lyricism intertwined with sections of technique. It's fairly simple-sounding, and yet modern at the same time. I don't know how anyone else feels about that piece, but I really like it! Neidich does a fantastic recording (as usual).
Hope that helps...I'm by no means an "expert," but at least it's a candid opinion!
-- M
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Author: Bigno16
Date: 2006-07-17 18:42
I think a good addition would be the Lutowslawski Dance Preludes.
One of my friends performed the Lutoslawski as well as both the Muczynski and the first movement of the Martino on her senior recital (and Brahms Sonata No. 2) and that program worked out very well and was extremely well received by the audience. So seeing that you have a close program to her, then the Lutoslawski might be an excellent choice.
Brahms Trio looks like a better choice for balance in the program, as the Bartok Contrasts is closer to the modern pieces (I think).
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Author: Sylvain
Date: 2006-07-17 18:51
The Bartok is definitely flashier, but as other suggested, the Brahms will give you the opportunity to show off your phrasing and musicality. I hope you have a good pianist and a good cellist around, as it is a much harder piece for them than for you.
Sylvain Bouix <>
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