The Clarinet BBoard
Author: vitoclarinet
Date: 2006-03-19 15:27
I've got some major problems...
So.. here are my problems:
1. it seems like whenever I tongue notes higher than the altissimo D, the back of my throat hurts. It's so bad that i have to stop playing every now and then. I have a feeling that this is probably related to my weird tongue position, and unfortuantely, i haven't been able to fix it.
2. Also, i have a problem with playing the throat tones- they always sound very shallow, weak, compared to others. How can I fix this problem? Should I blow more air into the instrument in order to have a better sound on those notes?
Post Edited (2006-03-19 15:28)
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2006-03-19 15:33
Can't comment on 1) but asked my teacher about 2) (I too experienced throat notes to be shallow and thin).
He usually has the RH fingers over the lower joint's holes when playing throat notes, and indeed it adds a tiny amount of "body" without compromising the pitch.
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2006-03-19 17:48
Must both be related to an inappropriate tongue position. Your tongue should be in the same place it is when you're in front of the computer on the keyboard, in other words don't move it, save for bringing the tip to just below the tip of the reed. Tonguing is just releasing the reed (LIGHTLY, ever so LIGHTLY) with just the slightest imaginable movement. So, you are presently working way too hard.
Your tongue is presently getting in the way of your airstream (is it where it would be when you gargle?) and it would be most noticable in the throat notes.
I've gotten in trouble on the BB before for stepping all over British school of thought.......but, if you are trying to get a "rich" sound by putting your tongue back in your throught (saying "AH"), STOP it !!!! Just use a steady push from your low quarters and the steady air will do the job.
...............Paul Aviles
.................with all due apologies to Maestro DePayer
Post Edited (2006-03-19 17:49)
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Author: GBK
Date: 2006-03-19 17:59
Throat tones take fast air. Increase your air speed when playing these notes.
Do a search on this board for different choices of resonance fingerings. It has been discussed numerous times and many excellent fingering choices have been given.
Find the one or two best ones which work with your particular set-up...GBK
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