The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Frank
Date: 2000-04-27 21:10
Can anyone supply me with a list of clarinet competitions world-wide? The web is failing me in the endeavor. And help would be greatly appreciated.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2000-04-27 22:27
There's no such listing anywhere that I've ever seen. Some are open to the public, some are for certain areas, etc. Check through old issues of "The Clarinet" to find some; other than that you'll just have to hunt via music schools worldwide.
The Web is still a pretty poor place to get that kind of information; information that appeals to a very small section of the public is hidden pretty deep if it's available at all.
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Author: Ken Shaw
Date: 2000-04-28 16:29
Mark Charette wrote:
There's no such listing anywhere that I've ever seen. Some are open to the public, some are for certain areas, etc. Check through old issues of "The Clarinet" to find some; other than that you'll just have to hunt via music schools worldwide.
The Web is still a pretty poor place to get that kind of information; information that appeals to a very small section of the public is hidden pretty deep if it's available at all.
Mark -
I just tried an "advanced search" on Alta Vista for "clarinet NEAR competition" (no more than 10 word separation) and came up with some 300 hits. A lot are irrelevant, or are in bios where someone had won a competition, but it's not an impossible number to sort through.
Ken Shaw
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Author: Frank
Date: 2000-04-28 21:41
Thanks for the information. By the was, does anyone have information about the Buffet American Clarinet Competition (or something like that)? I've seen it on a couple of bio's (i.e. the second clarinetist for the New Jersey Symphony). I've never seen it advertised and can't seem to find it on the Buffet web page. Any ideas?....
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