The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Michael Kincaid
Date: 2000-04-24 12:11
The alto has a small hole in the left index finger plateau key.
I have two alto technique books for practice (beginner and intermediate) but neither really address this odd little hole. I'm assuming that at some point in the altisimo I'm suppose to press the key, but keep my finger off the little hole. I've tried both ways and I'm not good enough to know which is right. What is the right way, and at what note do I need to do this? Thanks. Michael
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2000-04-24 15:48
Your assumption is correct, Michael, the small, centered hole is the clarinet's version of the oboe's half-hole, which provides a properly-sized and located vent for the oboe's mid-staff C# and D. The only way I use mine, [a Selmer alto {its on my bass also}], is for altissimo notes, which I almost never see [in comm band], unless I'm having to play from an alto sax part. As with all woodwinds, use the fingerings which provide the best-tuned notes with the best clarity. Try them all! Don
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Author: Michael Kincaid
Date: 2000-04-24 22:51
Don Berger wrote:
Your assumption is correct, Michael, the small, centered hole is the clarinet's version of the oboe's half-hole, which provides a properly-sized and located vent for the oboe's mid-staff C# and D. The only way I use mine, [a Selmer alto {its on my bass also}], is for altissimo notes, which I almost never see [in comm band], unless I'm having to play from an alto sax part. As with all woodwinds, use the fingerings which provide the best-tuned notes with the best clarity. Try them all! Don
Thanks Don. I'm going to create an alto folder from the music my band plays; This will let me practice what may be needed. I'm glad to hear the music doesn't usually go too high-- I think the low range is really beautiful on the alto.
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Author: Michael Kincaid
Date: 2000-04-26 02:30
I picked up the alto clarinet parts for the music that my band plays and it is so boring; I'm shocked. The intermediate alto book has lots of runs and fun stuff, but apparently the alto get short changed in the "parts" department. I'm very disappointed. The third clarinet parts have more UMPH. (Don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing the 3rd Bb parts.) No wonder the instrument has withered away.
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Author: Eoin
Date: 2000-05-02 12:43
I've looked at the fingering chart for low pitch clarinets in the Woodwind Fingering Guide ( It appears that you should use the half-hole key for all the altissimo notes. Any altissimo fingering which requires you to open the first hole but close the second hole is using the first hole as a speaker hole, causing the change in register to altissimo. Using a smaller hole for this should produce a better tone.
Whether it does or not of course depends on your instrument.
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