The Clarinet BBoard
Author: kfrank1
Date: 2006-01-31 00:52
I've heard some people say they prefer CD's for listening to classical music because it sounds better. I'm wondering whether it makes that much difference. I've started my collection using CD's from the library, but am considering downloading mp3's instead. . What format do you collect classical music in? CD's or mp3? Does the difference in sound quality, if any, make much difference to your 'listening pleasure'?
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Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2006-01-31 02:11
I'm 'the man' when it comes to mp3's.
Get The CD versions if you can, but if you can't find, or want to save $ then download them. The downloads will always be in a compressed format so they won't sound as good as the CD's will - but can still be very good.
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Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2006-01-31 02:14
btw - usually this question is "are LP's or CD's better for Classical Music", not are downloads as the downloads are compressed. You want to download in at least 192k for the bitrate or higher.
128 can sound pretty good, but never "great". At 192 it gets pretty close but you really have to go higher to get most of the 'bang'. With a CD you get all of it.
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Author: Sean.Perrin
Date: 2006-01-31 02:54
As with all my music... I typically own the Cd and keep a reasonable quality copy on my computer for listening to on my ipod. There really is no point in storing lossless audio on a computer in my opinion because it takes up too much room and is not worth it expecailly if you own the CD.
Founder and host of the Clarineat Podcast:
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Author: kfrank1
Date: 2006-01-31 03:16
Thanks. I guess it would also depend on what kind of stereo system you use. For example it would make a difference if you had a hi-fi system, but would you still notice the difference on lesser systems like mini-stereo or boom box?
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2006-01-31 06:51
> save $ then download them
For a downloaded CD I pay at least as much as for a bought CD that comes with booklet, jewel case and all. Okay, I can download only what I want, but the "save money" argument is moot, IMHO.
> At 192 it gets pretty close
In contrast, a CD is recorded with a sampling frequency of 44.1kHz, 16bit, Stereo. Makes 176 kBytes per second or 1.4MBit...
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Author: Morrigan
Date: 2006-01-31 07:06
I'm loving the iTunes Music Store - it can be hard to find clarinet CDs. Plus, you get them instantly, no need to leave your couch!
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Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2006-01-31 10:57
Downloads are almost always less costly than the hardcopy. You aren't going to notice much of a difference on an inexpensive system as there will be distortion, muddiness already.
But whatever you do, keep it legit - use ITUNES or another legit service that pays the artists and won't get you in trouble.
The website is legit in Russia, but questionable in other areas. That place has tracks for only 10 cents a track - tons of jazz, pop, rock, soundtracks, including lots of older material, but not much classical. They have been around for over 4 years and haven't been touched by the RIAA - and have had a lot of publicity from the music rags.
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Author: Lelia Loban ★2017
Date: 2006-02-01 19:12
Have any of you tried transferring CDs to an iPod? I've noticed my husband nosing around the iPod-related web sites lately. Is the format too lossy for classical music? How about download time?
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Author: sylvangale
Date: 2006-02-01 19:46
I recommend buying CDs and ripping the music into your computer at a high bit rate and putting your CDs in storage.
The songs you download are usually at a low 128 bit rate which sound muddy / underwatery to my ears. At least with CDs you have the original and can burn whatever quality/size you want from the CD.
I convert everyone of my CDs to 192bit rate mp3s via Itunes. I used to use LAME, but at the 192 bit rate there is no difference in sound and I like the Itunes layout.
It's very convenient to have everything accessible in Itunes where if your in the mood for specific instruments, composers, group sizes, you can quickly enter a keyword or two and pick out things you wouldn't normally hear often going through hundreds of CDs.
It's nice to be able to compare different players styles of the same work in a jiffy... you wouldn't be able to conveniently otherwise.
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