The Clarinet BBoard
Author: opus2player
Date: 2006-01-15 16:16
This piece is written by Carlo della Giacoma and has been recorded by Alessandro Carbonare. I want to buy a score but unfortunately I can not find the name of the publisher of this work. Any help to find this piece is very much appreciated!
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Author: Tim2
Date: 2006-01-15 16:45
I've looked for this music too and have not found it and would appreciate knowing where to get it.
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Author: Jack Kissinger
Date: 2006-01-16 05:08
Google may provide some help. I found the following site that lists Della Giacoma's works with what appears to be publication information. (The site is in Italian, which I don't speak.) This site:
lists the Fantasia as a work for clarinet and wind ensemble (orchestra di fiati). At the top of the page, the site gives a list that appears to include Giacoma's publishers. Included in the list is: A. Fattalini, Livorno. The listing for the work has "1891 Livorno" in parentheses at the end which could very well mean composed in 1891 in Livorno, or published in Livorno, which could possibly mean that A. Fattalini was the original publisher. Given the length of time since the piece was originally written and published, however, someone else may have taken over the catalog. I haven't heard of Fattalini before (doesn't mean much, though) but the work might well be out of print and the original publishing house gone. In addition to the band version, there is also apparently a piano reduction. There is a recording of this version by Ciro Scarponi on the website. It might have a different publisher, however. One way of finding out if the work is available or who the publisher was/is might be to contact the center. Speaking Italian would probably help.
Another way to find out publisher information might be to contact Dr. Thomas Fraschillo at the University of Southern Mississippi:
He directs the University Wind Ensemble and there is a recording of the full version for clarinet and wind orchestra on their website. He might be able to tell you how they obtained the work. The recording is here:
Finally, in addition to the clarinet and piano version of the Fantasia, I mentioned above. There are also two other works by Della Giacoma at this address:
It's amazing to me how often searches such as this turn up recordings of works I hadn't heard. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Best regards,
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Author: Fontalvo
Date: 2006-01-17 17:27
One of my friends studied with Carbonare and she got a copy of the music and gave it to me. If you need it, e-mail me. [snipped - GBK ]
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