The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Ryan Young
Date: 2006-01-15 00:01
I am a highschool clarinetist and i recently bought a Buffet E-12. I had been using regular vandoren 3 reeds and the generic mouthpiece. However, when i got my new clarinet i bought a Vandoren 5RV lyre mouthpiece and a friend told me about Gonzalez reeds, so I purchased 3 1/4 FOF reeds to start on, knowing that i would switch back up to my normal strength. For Christmas a few years ago my parents bought me a Rovner light ligature. Now that i have my new clarinet and reeds I noticed that on high notes i sound thin and airy. My question is that should i try a different ligature, stronger reeds, or a combination of the two?
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Author: Chalumeau Joe
Date: 2006-01-15 00:34
I think you've got too many variables going on at the same time. Your post says that you changed your MP and reeds at the same time...did you try the Vandoren reeds with the 5RV? How did that sound? How does it sound with your old ligature? (I think you see where I'm going with this.)
It's no different than conducting a lab experiment in high school science class: change one variable at a time and take several data points. Only then can you reach an informed conclusion.
(BTW, I tried and didn't care for Gonzalez reeds...thought they sounded thin compared with the 56's I had become accustomed to.)
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Author: Ryan Young
Date: 2006-01-15 01:13
Yes i do see what you are saying. i made all these changes at once but i needed to use a higher quality reed anyway and ive always used the same ligature so really the only variables that changed were the mouthpiece and my entirely new clarinet and mouthpiece, which would of changed with the new clarinet. but i will try the stock ligature with my current reeds and mouthpiece. Also i know this has been discussed before but does the 5RV lyre respond better with a stronger or weaker reed, with a think or traditional blank and i know that no one can answer this for me and i have to try them out for myself with a FOF, V12, or 56? Thanks and i am appreciative to any advice that i get.
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Author: D
Date: 2006-01-15 10:30
If you go to the Vandoren web site an click on 'products' 'clarinet mouthpieces' then select your mouthpiece, you will be shown a chart which has the recommended reed strengths for each of their mouthpieces. Obviously this is for vandoren reeds. However, there are also many charts available which show comparisons of many different types of reed strength. This would give you a starting point for looking at reed strength. Try some of these mentioned here:
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Author: Arnoldstang
Date: 2006-01-15 18:26
I would use both Gonzalez and Vandoren. It all has to do with how many reeds you have. If you can afford to buy a box of both or even six of each that might tell you something. Try to practice using various reeds. Put all the reeds in one case or mix them up in several smaller cases. For your practice session pick out three or four reeds at random. Practice on them. Keep doing this for a week or more. Then you can make some decisions. That might just be that the Vandorens are not heavy enough or whatever. It shouldn't be a crucial decision at this point anyway. You can play on either brand of reed. It will take some time to make a choice. You already hear something you don't like in your tone so use that as a deciding factor between the two reed brands. You must of course try different strengths.
My personal advice would be eliminate the Rovner lig. Just put a stock metal ligature on and test and play with that. After a few weeks add that ligature and see if you like what it does.
Freelance woodwind performer
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Author: Arnoldstang
Date: 2006-01-16 13:36
Since no one is chiming in with advice here's some more of mine. Without much explanation, and not having you decide yourself, I would suggest playing Vandoren reeds (try stronger strengths as well) and a standard ligature. If you want to spend money on a ligature try the Spriggs. A good deal of your sound comes from the reed so be picky and fussy in that area.
Freelance woodwind performer
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