The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Julie B
Date: 2006-01-14 15:44
My daughter is 12 and just beginning to play clarinet. We rented for the "cheap" initial three months and now wish to purchase a clarinet. I've read information and opinions for a week and am certainly more educated but also uncertain what to do and thoroughly confused about many things. About the only thing I've definitely decided is to not buy a new instrument. Although she's just starting I'd like to go ahead a get an intermediate instrument (at this time she's not planning on marching band). Any comparisons of the following instruments would be appreciated: Buffet E-11, Selmer Signet 100 (or 200, etc.), Leblanc Normandy, Noblet 27, Noblet 40 (or any other favorite intermediates). Also, what is the big difference in intermediate clarinets and professional clarinets? If an old professional clarinet can be found for a "very reasonable" price, would there be any benefit (or detriment) for a beginner to having one? I've seen opinions on old Selmer centered tones and Selmer Soloist - I think they were both considered professional, but I've read so much I'm not sure anymore. Any opinions on these? Is there anything I should avoid in selecting an instrument (besides the obvious cheap instruments)?
I also understand that the most important piece is the mouthpiece. I've read a lot of brand suggestions, but can someone explain the open/closed attribute of mouthpieces, and advise which is best for a beginner? Thanks so much for your help.
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Author: Bnewbs
Date: 2006-01-14 16:11
If you buy a used instrument a used Selmer 9 or 10 series (10S or 10g's are fantastic) is my recomdation. These are pro level horns, but if you find one in good condition and your daughter takes care of it, it will last for a long time. Any good condition used proffessional horn is the best bet in terms of bang for the buck. A good used Selmer or Leblanc (better deals than what you find with Buffet), I like them better, but thats just me) should be under $1000, and often in the $600-$700 range. Local music stores often misprice used clarinets, I got a used E13 that is in great condition for $350.
With mouthpieces more open tip (and shorter facing length) mouthpieces work with softer reeds, closer tips (and/or longer facings) work with harder reeds (mouthpieces are far moore complicated than that, but thats the basics). young players, and Jazz players tend to use a more open tip with a softer reed, classical players usually use a closer tip with a harder reed. If there is a good music store near you then I would recommend you take her there and let here try mouthpieces. I Vandoren 5RV or 5RV Lyre would be my recommendation on the mouthpiece for a younger player. Reeds (reed/mouthpiece combination) has a big effect some Vandorens, Rico Grand Concert Select, Gonzales and Oliveri are all good reeds.
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Author: Gandalfe
Date: 2006-01-14 16:27
What does her teacher recommend. Often the music instructor can point you to reasonably priced used instruments.
Jim and Suzy
Pacifica Big Band
Seattle, Washington
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Author: susieray
Date: 2006-01-14 17:14
Of the models you listed, in my opinion the number one choice would be the E11, followed by either the Noblet 40 or 27. These would be preferred over the Signets and the Normandy. You didn't mention the Noblet 45 but those are a good value also. Buffet Evette & Schaeffers are also very good instruments if you can find one that is not worn out...and that is the one I would get for my own kid (except for the fact that he is a drummer LOL).
If looking for a pro horn you need to be careful because if you get one really cheap it is likely to have worn out keywork and such. It is possible to come across a good one for a low price if you wait long enough and really keep your eyes open, but then should plan on putting another couple hundred bucks (minimum) into it. You could luck out and get one that doesn't need work but more likely it if it's priced real low it is going to need a rebuild.
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Author: clarinetgirl09
Date: 2006-01-14 17:45
Is your daughter sure that she's not going to do marching band? Does the High School REQUIRE you to do marching band if you wish to be in band, or are there selected bands throughout the school? If she's HAS to do marching band, and you don't want to get her two horns, I would suggest a Buffet B-12. That's what I use for Marching band. Selmer makes good student model clarinets, as well. I don't know too much about Leblanc student horns, so forgive me right there.
As far as Intermediate horns go. A good intermediate horn will do her well for the time being, seeing as she is only beginning. I have a Buffet E-11, and I've tried a Noblet 40, Leblanc Normandy, and some other intermediate Leblancs about a year and a few months ago. I ended up purchasing the Buffet E-11 from the local music store after trying out Yamahas, Buffets, Leblancs, and so on and so forth. I purchased the E-11 over the Yamaha and Leblancs because of it's (from the horn I tired, it seemed to me) superior tone, response, and eveness of the horn throughout the entire range of the clarinet.
I have a Buffet R-13 (a professional horn) that I use for only a concert setting, and there is a HUGE difference in tone. But maybe since she's a beginner, and she might not do marching band, an intermediate horn could help her out. And later, when she's ready, she might want a professional horn. An intermediate horn will help her develop in many ways, and from my experience, it helps in the long run. Switching from an intermediate horn to a professional horn helps with (in my opinion) air support. A professional horn will take more air support than an intermediate horn. So she might want to get used to the differences in the amount of air it takes to play a plastic horn to the amount of air needed for a wooden horn.
And as far as mouthpieces go. It takes a while for a beginning player to develop their embouchure. So it takes a while for them to find the "right" mouthpiece and reed setup.
But anyways, with an open tipped mouthpiece, you'll need a softer reed, because the reed has to travel a greater distance to touch the tip of the reed nermous times per second. It will seem easy to play on, and the tone will be a bit brighter in most cases.
And with a closed tipped mouthpiece, you're going to need a harder reed. As you can tell, you're going to need a harder reed because the reed doesn't have to travel as far to touch the tip of the mouthpiece. It may seem a little harder to play on, but the sound will be darker. It won't feel too uncomfortable, if you have the right setup, though.
I hope you both find what you're looking for!
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Author: David Peacham
Date: 2006-01-14 20:38
Just one comment re clarinets. You should be aware the wooden clarinets require more care than plastic. You are obviously aware than wooden clarinets are not a great idea for marching band, but remember also that they are more likely to be damaged by adverse temperatures and by lack of care generally.
Just one comment re mouthpieces. The more open the mouthpiece, the softer the reeds it needs, the more flexible the intonation. This may be great if you have a good ear. My vote is for a more closed mouthpiece and a harder reed, but that's just my vote.
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Author: bcl1dso
Date: 2006-01-14 21:26
I would say a good instrument would be and E11, with a pyne mouthpiece, and some V12 reeds and you will be set. However, that may not be the best option. If you can get lucky or have a lot of patience, you can find a very good instrumetn without having spend that much money. I bought my piece of junk Bundy at an estate say for $20. I had it mildly re done(not a complete overhaul) and I play better with it than most clarinetists around. I am not just saying that out of the lack of expericience. I am in the Detroit Symphony Civic Orchestra and I can outplay most non-professional professional people. A Very important thing to remember is the mouthpiece. Don't cheap out on a mouthpiece. You are better off shelling out hte extra money for and extremely good hand made mouthpiece than getting a cheap one. Even Vandorens can be questionable. I would definetly go with something hand made.
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Author: Jim E.
Date: 2006-01-15 04:50
Even without marching band, the school environment can be tough on wooden instruments, and even more so if it travels on the bus. My son used his Bundy all through high school as his "in school" and marching horn. The R13 only came to school for concerts etc. The band director was very understanding about this.
My vote would be plastic now, and wood later in addition to the plastic.
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2006-01-15 19:35
Wooden Amati 211s are on sale (not on auction) for less than 200 bucks - new, nota bene.
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