The Clarinet BBoard
Author: clarinetress
Date: 2006-01-13 19:38
I'm playing Paul Harvey's Three Etudes on Themes of Gershwin. In the 3rd movement, there is a gliss starting on our C in the staff to C above the staff. I can't seem to get the c-d at the beginning of the gliss smooth enough. Any ideas?
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Author: ClariBone
Date: 2006-01-13 23:49
Did you try searching the BBoard. I'm sure this topic has been discussed (and discussed, and discussed...) before!! Good Luck, and Happy Glissing!!!
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Author: clarinetress
Date: 2006-01-14 01:12
Yeah, I did. All I can find in the archives is how to do the gliss in Rhapsody in Blue.
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Author: GoatTnder
Date: 2006-01-14 02:59
It's essentially the same technique, you just start at a different point.
Andres Cabrera
South Bay Wind Ensemble
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Author: Wes
Date: 2006-01-14 04:48
Try dropping the jaw during the gliss, pulling the three RH fingers off together about a fourth of an inch then pulling the three LH fingers off together also about the same. On the high C, one can return the embouchure to it's normal place. Good luck!
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2006-01-14 08:52
When you get to Eb, lift LH finger 1 and this will take you up to high C without using any other fingerings - oxx|xxxAb/Eb (playing the C as a 5th harmonic of low Ab).
If you need to coax the gliss along the way, raise LH finger 3 slowly and put it back down before hitting the C. ox(x-o-x)|xxxAb/Eb.
Now it's just a case of getting the throat, tongue and airstream to get the gliss smooth.
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2006-01-14 14:58
The start is the only point where I need physical aide and that comes in the form of nudging open the C# pinky (usu. left 'cause I usu. start with C on the right).
..............Paul Aviles
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Author: ClariBone
Date: 2006-01-15 03:06
clarinetress, you must be mistaken. If all you could find was the Rhapsody in Blue, then you must have either not looked or mis-typed your search. When I did a search for "Gliss" I came up with about ten pages of info ranging from Rhapsody in Blue, to Candide, to Copland's El Salon Mexico, to the 2nd movement of the Bernstein Sonata, to Pual McCartney's ablum Tug of War, to Artie Shaw's Begin the Beguine, to the Artie Shaw Concerto. Perphaps another look would yield more information??? The information posted above by Chris P, Paul Avilas, Wes, and GoatTnder is great, btw!!!
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