The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Hiroshi
Date: 1999-02-28 14:54
I feel Mozart concerts,for flute,clarinet,obpe,or basson, are played too slow in allegrro,too fast in andante,when orchetra soloists play them compared to when famous players play them. Is this my own peculiar feelinmg?
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Author: ted
Date: 1999-02-28 19:40
I've heard several good recordings at various speeds, but my preferences are the more moderate speeds on the Allegro and Rondo movements. I think most clarinetist would agree that the standard recording by which the others are judged is Robert Marcellus' recording with the Cleveland Orchestra and George Szell conducting. That is a combination of a great orchestral clarinetist (I think his only recording), orchestra, and conductor. The recording was made in 1967, but has been re-recorded on CD by CBS records. For reference, his times were 12:23, 7:44, and 8:49 for the trhee movements.
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Author: Tim2
Date: 1999-02-28 22:08
I think most clarinetist would agree that the standard recording by which the others are judged is Robert Marcellus' recording with the Cleveland Orchestra and George Szell conducting.
I concurr on this. He makes it seem effortless because it is so clean and articulate. It is that effortlesness that lets us in on just how marvelous that performance was (is). This was my first classical recording I listened to. I was in high school at the time. I marveled at the time of how he was able to do the one three measure stretch toward the end of the Rondo of going over the break to the "C" an octave up back and forth in 16ths.
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Author: Daniel
Date: 1999-03-01 04:42
I also like Sabine Meyer's recording of the concerto. Her articulation is so clear and smooth... I think the use of the basset clarinet only handicaps her technique. Same with Ricardo at ClarinetFest. His performance would have been even more phenominal if he had simply played the concerto on A clarinet instead of basset clarinet.
But yes... Robert Marcellus' recording of the concerto is certainly the standard in America. It was the first quality recording i heard of it and was a gift from my clarinet teacher that i studied with in intermediate school.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 1999-03-01 11:58
Daniel wrote:
His performance would have been even more phenominal if he had simply played the concerto on A clarinet instead of basset clarinet.
We'll have to agree to disagree here. After hearing (a long time back) Schifrin play K. 622 on basset clarinet, I find all played on soprano A lacking something - even when done well.
There's been a discussion on Sabine's playing of K. 622 on Klarinet, especially concerning her choice of tempi.
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Author: Dee
Date: 1999-03-01 17:08
Tim2 wrote:
... I marveled at the time of how he was able to do the one three measure stretch toward the end of the Rondo of going over the break to the "C" an octave up back and forth in 16ths.
This section was originally written an octave lower and is why the basset clarinet is actually the correct instrument. It makes quite difference in the "feel" of the music. Type it into one of the music programs available and listen to it some time. While this is not the ideal way to hear it, it's better than nothing. The jumping across the break makes it sound frantic rather than lively.
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Author: Tim2
Date: 1999-03-02 03:29
I understand and have understood that the concerto was written for basset horn for years. Dee, I do love the "real" notes that the basset horn plays. As the piece goes, and you follow the music, you can see very plainly what notes were modified, inverted... so that it could be performed well on an "A" clarinet. Musically, yes, I like the basset horn version, The notes belong that way, it's the real thing.
On the other hand, It does not take away one iota (for me) from the Marcellus recording. It is exquisite. It was and still is a model to me.
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Author: Hiroshi
Date: 1999-03-02 04:20
When Sabine Myer toured in Japan some one month ago,she played Mozart concerto with basset clarinet.She weared a neck string.
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Author: Daniel
Date: 1999-03-02 04:23
Tim2 wrote:
I understand and have understood that the concerto was written for basset horn for years.
That's basset clarinet.
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