The Clarinet BBoard
Author: KellyA
Date: 2005-10-20 02:37
Hey everyone, I just recieved my new Buffet Tosca. It's a greenline and the joints fit too tight. The upper and lower pieces were difficult to put together and getting them apart was really hard, I'm scared I will bend the keys. Has anyone experienced this with the greenlines? And how did you remedy the situation?
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Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2005-10-20 03:02
Just today a repairtech fitted a student of mine's R-13 so that the joints weren't so impossibly tight.
I suggest you have a repair tech check it out and make any needed adjustments to either the cork or the tenon.
Have a qualified tech do that!
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Author: msloss
Date: 2005-10-20 11:38
As David said, and yes, I've seen several GL Toscas that are a firm fit. More than likely the cork just needs to be shaved a little. The GL Toscas are very dimensionally stable so it is very unlikely that it is the Greenline material itself binding.
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Author: BobD
Date: 2005-10-20 11:43
Common problem with Buffets....even with so-called hand selected ones.
Bob Draznik
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Author: KellyA
Date: 2005-10-21 04:26
I have taken the clarinet in for repair and all is well. The repairman fixed it within a few hours after doing some measurements with a micrometer. The repairman did not say what he did, but the clarinet goes together easier, and comes apart very smoothly now. Probably a cork problem. It's scary too spend so much on a new clarinet and it doesn't go together! As for the sound quality the tosca is incredible. The low F venting key took a little while to get used to. This is my first pro clarinet with the Eb/Ab lever, so that will take some time too. My R13 was made in the 70's and it has perfect pitch and a very sweet sound. I noticed on the new Tosca I was able to get those tonal qualities, plus I was able to get more expressive qualities (dynamics, articulation) in the altissimo range (for me that has always been a challenge). Thanks everyone for your advice on the tight joints!
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2005-10-21 15:10
It's best to have an easy fit on Green Line instruments - you don't want to stress the tenons as Green Line is more brittle in comparison to grenadilla.
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