The Clarinet BBoard
Author: supercharged
Date: 2005-10-07 01:47
Hi I was wondering where I could buy a score to this peice for just 2 Solo Clarinets and the Piano?
I wanted to find a song to play for fun or maybe my High School Graduation I read that this was a challenging song somewhere on here, so I decided to look into it. I found the music to the 1st and 2nd solo Bb clarinet parts and I found that it wasn't hard at all but a very nice tune to play. I just can't seem to find the Piano part to it or is it a whole band peice all together?
If anyone has an answer for me please reply.
Also if their are any songs similiar to this style that anyone knows and could list them that would be helpfull.
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Author: Hank Lehrer
Date: 2005-10-07 02:04
I got mine (with piano part) from Hal Leonard. Check JW Pepper as well.
PS Gee, I got the hard version! Must be a mistake.
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Author: GBK
Date: 2005-10-07 02:09
supercharged wrote:
> I wanted to find a song to play for fun or maybe
> my High School Graduation I read that this
> was a challenging song somewhere on here,
Song: (sông, 'so[ng]) - a short musical composition with words
Il Convegno is a work, a piece, a selection, an oeuvre, a composition, etc...
But definitely not a "song".
It's always good to practice correct terminology (along with Baermann III). .
Here is an additional source for the music (David Hite edition) ...GBK
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Author: theclarinetist
Date: 2005-10-07 02:54
I believe I ordered mine (Southern Music, ed. David Hite) from Luyben Music ( The SMC edition is quite good.
DON'T get the Ricordi edition. The piano part doesn't have either of the clarinet parts on it, which can cause problems.
I've performed this piece before, and I must say that if you think it "isn't hard at all", then you're doing something wrong! Granted the technical demands are mostly scales and arpeggio-based, but unless you have lungs the size of garbage cans, the piece is a killer from an endurance standpoint alone. The last 2 pages pretty much have no rests at all. Also, even if the technique is mostly arpeggios/scales, the shear volume of notes in the piece is exhausting.
This doesn't mean you shouldn't play it, but don't be fooled by how "easy" it might appear. It's a tough piece to pull off.
Good luck!
Donald Hite
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2005-10-07 14:51
There's an excellent recent CD of Il Convegno performed by Larry Combs and Eddie Daniels on Summit 1022. You can listen to part of it at Larry's playing in particular is incredibly clean and "neat." (He's on the left channel.)
The piece should sparkle like champagne. If it's done even a little too slow, it's like yesterday's flat beer. The Combs/Daniels recording is at the slow end of possible tempos, but it really works. I heard Stanley and Naomi Drucker play it live (GBK was also there), quite a bit faster, to great effect.
Ken Shaw
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Author: supercharged
Date: 2005-10-08 03:54
Sorry I've never been into the terminology of Music and the technicle side but I wouldn't tell you to hold that aginst me because you shouldn't. If anyone lives in Maryland I can show you that I'm not too bad.
I'll admit that It's somewhat hard on the lungs but I can handle it. I listened to the version of a Philly instructor in which his 2 students (college?) played it. I can play it as fast as them but I couldn't understand why they slowed down so many times.
I got sick of playing conventional songs but I'll tell you I love Carl Maria von Weber. He writes some awesome clarinet music. I'm just curious if I could play it at our Solo-Ensemble Festival here but I doubt they have this song on their list. I really love the 1st movement when you hit that register A in the first couple of lines. Really awesome writing. My only problem is that I'm not a great site reader so I have to practice alot for the music.
This is an awesome song. I can't wait to rehearse it.
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Author: Bob Phillips
Date: 2005-10-08 15:28
Why oh why oh
do so few internet sound clips (including the above) not play on my new computer?
Oh, maybe its the ...
Bob Phillips
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Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2005-10-08 16:10
Have a listen and see just how hard it is. Played by 2 of my College Clarinet Students (I have their permission to distribute it) Dania and Mike Esterman (Dania is Arthur Hegvik the Sax Prof. daughter). I taught Mike from 5th grade through U. Penn
It's a very tough piece! Quite musically advanced too.
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Author: supercharged
Date: 2005-10-08 20:38
That's the exact .mp3 version that I was talking about.
It's a great song too bad everyone around here knows nothing about it. I'm not that big into Solo's and Duets but something about this song has "I HAVE TO PLAY IT" written all over it.
Thanks everyone for all your help. I'm going to be buying the score soon because I was talking with one of my friends in school and we might play it for kicks for the talent show or something here. I might be able to record it and post it....
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