The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Clarinetgirl06
Date: 2005-04-25 23:40
Yamaha recently gave me a Yamaha Allegro to replace my seriously cracked Yamaha 52. (Which was kind of them.)
The thing is, is that once I press the register key and go over the break, my clarinet sounds kind of airy and metalic sounding. I hate the airy/metal sound and so I have been playing on my 52.
How can I make this problem go away?
I checked it for leaks and it is leak free. I did the blow and the suction test and there were definitely no leaks.
I put the top joint of the Allegro on the rest of my 52 and it sounded airy (a tad less, but still very airy). Then I put just the bottom joint on the rest of my 52 and it sounded just a tad airy. I experimented with the barrels and the bells but that didn't make much difference.
Also, I don't get this airy/metalic sound on my 52 AT ALL.
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Author: clownfish
Date: 2005-04-26 12:07
First of all, I want to tell you that I'm from Germany, and because of that please ignore the amount of mistakes. :-)
Well, I'd try new reeds, perhaps the new instrument reacts a little bit different than your old one, just try other brands, like GLOTIN or RICO ROYAL, I guess that you play VANDOREN.
But if you don't like to pour money down the drain, go to your trader or YAMAHA itself and ask what to do, they have to help you.
Perhaps your teacher has got a solution for it, as well as long as you have got a teacher.!?
I hope, I could help you.
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Author: clownfish
Date: 2005-04-26 12:07
First of all, I want to tell you that I'm from Germany, and because of that please ignore the amount of mistakes. :-)
Well, I'd try new reeds, perhaps the new instrument reacts a little bit different than your old one, just try other brands, like GLOTIN or RICO ROYAL, I guess that you play VANDOREN.
But if you don't like to pour money down the drain, go to your trader or YAMAHA itself and ask what to do, they have to help you.
Perhaps your teacher has got a solution for it, as well as long as you have got a teacher.!?
I hope, I could help you.
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Author: Clarinetgirl06
Date: 2005-04-26 18:40
I use Vandoren's but I don't think that it's the reeds. The airy sound has happened with me, my mom, and my friend. Yeah, I have a teacher, but I would also like to know your all's advice!
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Author: Brenda Siewert
Date: 2005-04-26 18:45
Can you take the Allegro back and tell them the problem and have their technician check it out?
I've play-tested several Allegros and several 52s and find the 52 to be a superior instrument in sound quality. I have found the upper register in the Allegros to be a bit "thin." Although the 52 has been discontinued, perhaps a new YCL450 would be a better solution.
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Author: Clarinetgirl06
Date: 2005-04-26 19:21
Well, the thing is is that Yamaha gave me a Allegro to replace my 52 for free. Would it be rude to ask them to replace it yet again? I am really wanting a professional model clarinet, could I just get a new clarinet from them and send them back the Allegro and just get like 1000 off of a new one, such as a CSGH?
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Author: Brenda Siewert
Date: 2005-04-26 20:57
All I can suggest is contacting whomever it was you worked the deal out with on your 52. They would want to know the problem with the Allegro, hopefully!
From what I've read about the CSGH, you would need to remember it is a smaller bore instrument and probably would be great for small sized chamber orchestras, but wouldn't give you as big a tone as you are obviously wanting. The sound is said to be "intimate."
If your 52 was a good experience (aside from the cracks) perhaps you should ask them about returning the Allegro and getting a new YCL650.
As I said, all would depend upon your representative at Yamaha and the dealer they pair you with. It's totally up to them. They may feel they've fulfilled their obligation with this problem. However, it never hurts to ask.
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Author: Jenab
Date: 2005-04-26 22:43
Get a darker sounding mouthpiece. If you're playing on a Vandoren 5RV Lyre, switch to Mitchell Lurie M3. They're about the same tip and facing, but the baffle is different or something -- not exactly sure what. But when I play them both back to back, it's clear that the 5RVL is brighter and more airy than the M3 is. So that might help. Also, you might try a softer reed, though that might be a disadvantage when reaching up the clarion toward the altissimo skies.
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