The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Caliplaya03
Date: 2005-02-27 20:11
Hey I was wondering which piece would be better to do for an Honor Band Audition. Henri Rabaut's Solo De Concours, or the 4th movement of Saint-Saens Opus 167. Any information would be appreciated thank you. Oh and this is for county honor band..not state or anything.
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Author: clarinetist04
Date: 2005-02-27 21:16
You get to pick for county? We didn' year it was Spohr 1. Anywho, I would say Saint-Saens.
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Author: music_is_life
Date: 2005-02-28 00:01
I'd go with the Saint-Saens, just because I like his music better. The Solo de Concours is not as artfully done, in my opinion. I think Saint-Saens shows off the clarinet's (and clarinetist's) ability more...but that's merely my opinion.
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Author: klarinette728
Date: 2005-02-28 03:06
I'm playing Solo de Concours for our solo and ensemble contest in a week... pick the one that will show off your strenghts!
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Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2005-02-28 10:04
The Rabaud is a lot harder..... and can give you more shots at messing up. The Saens sounds as hard, but lays a lot easier. You will get more flash for the effort with the Saint Saens I feel. Don't rush it, and always, always play it musically - should not ever sound like a scale study!!!!
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Author: Caliplaya03
Date: 2005-03-01 00:49
Ya David I think i have everything down except for the beginning, I feel like i'm playing it like a scale...and i tend to rush because i'm just goin up and down for what seems like forever. Thank You for the replies everyone...i guess saint-saens it is
Post Edited (2005-03-01 01:15)
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