The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Keil
Date: 2000-02-12 18:01
I love this piece and i'm wondering if anyone has any info regarding this piece?
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Author: Tim2
Date: 2000-02-13 03:12
Originally was written in the early 1950's for bassoon. Was written for clarinet later. This is why it does not go higher than a "D". It was written for a broadcast of all American music back in 1952 in New York City. They taped it with Mr Osborne right there (bassoon). Then the tape got erased accidently and had to be redone. Mr Osborne studied with Paul Hindemith.
When I play this piece, I think of myself in the highlands in the middle of no where, like a remote region of mountains in Afghanistan. A voice echoing against the mountains and valleys. A lone traveler meditating.
Go to the archives. You will find other information on this piece.
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