The Clarinet BBoard
Author: clarnibass
Date: 2005-01-29 12:08
Yesterday I went to a concert of Buddy DeFranco, the first bebop clarinetist. First time I hear him play. He played with the Tony Panchela trio (Panchela on piano with bass and drums) and another Italian clarinetist called Bapi Domato (not sure about spelling).
The 82 year old DeFranco sounded great. He had interesting ideas and great sound. He was a funny guy too. Unfortunately, that was the only good side to the concert.
Panchela on piano was boring, and the bass and drums players were ok but not much more. The seond clarinetist, Bapi Domato played super technique for 2 hours, which was very boring after about the second song. He played so high, and very fast, but did almost nothing original or interesting. He sounded a little like Eddie Daniels (almost the same technique and sound a little similar) but his improvisation sounds like a bunch of excercises. Not at all interesting like Daniels. Eventhough He was technically more impressive than DeFranco, there was no comparison.
The entire concert was jazz standards which can be disapointing especially if they don't match other performances of the same songs. Unfortunately DeFranco alone couldn't make a great concert of it so overall it wasn't very good.
I am still glad I saw DeFranco live.
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Author: Neil
Date: 2005-01-30 00:52
Glad to hear you got to to see and hear him. He is hosting the Glenn Miller band here in Panama City Tuesday night I plan on going, although he is not scheduled to play. He did an interview on a local radio station a couple of weeks ago and I caught part of it, it was great.
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Author: Robert Small
Date: 2005-01-30 02:01
It's amazing that he's still playing at 82. I have an album that he recorded when he was in his seventies and the level of playing is very high. He must have always avoided certain unhealthy practices common among jazz musicians. Maybe he is something of a square in his personal behavior but he sure plays hip. I've never heard anyone else who can play bebop on the clarinet the way he can.
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Author: earlthomas
Date: 2005-01-30 02:17
For you to say that he was a funny guy, " unfortunately that was the only good side to the concert", is totaly inept and misinformed. You should be a music critic, if any editor would be stupid enough to hire you. DeFranco is one of the best that ever was, I doubt if you are good enough to even carry his empty clarinet case. IMHO,You bring this bulletin board to an all-time low.
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2005-01-30 04:35
earlthomas you totally misunderstood. I said "The 82 year old DeFranco sounded great. He had interesting ideas and great sound. He was a funny guy too. Unfortunately, that was the only good side to the concert."
I think it's obvious that I meant DeFranco was great in pretty much everything he did, the other players were not. If you read my post again you will see I only said the concert wasn't good because of the other 4 players and I liked everything DeFranco played.
You misunderstand me, and lash out at me personally for no reason. You know nothing about me but write very insulting comments. I don't think it's me who brings this board to an all time low.
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Author: earlthomas
Date: 2005-01-30 05:01
dear clarnibass:
sorry that I misunderstood your post. It's true I know nothing about you and I should not have lashed-out too strongly at your comments.
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2005-01-30 11:39
I wrote nothing bad about DeFranco himself, only praises, so I don't see anything that makes sense in your previous post. I hope you can understand that now.
Thanks for apologizing.
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