The Clarinet BBoard
Author: L. Omar Henderson
Date: 2005-01-01 22:01
Sorry for this necessary but evil sounding post. Since I have come across recent non-attributed references, abstracting, and quotes out of context of my BB posts in other venues without attribution to me I must begin to use my real name rather than "The Doctor" in order to protect my intellectual property and will enforce my right to attribution. Some of my posts are not that great and I do not attempt to carefully edit them or fully define the experimental results and conditions with the same care and scrutiny due other publications in peer reviewed scientific journals but the misuse of these posts is bothering to me. Mark indicates that posts are the copyrighted property of the poster and that he, to the extent of his resources, attempts to police the inappropriate use of this material (but the task and venues are too numerous to expect this added protection by him). Some of my experimentation may have commercial or intellectual interest however some have used it inappropriately and sometimes wrongly out of context.
Thanks - L. Omar Henderson
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Author: Robert Moody
Date: 2005-01-01 22:15
Note to self, L. Omar Henderson is "The Doctor".
Okay. Cool. As long as you keep posting. ![[grin]](
Robert Moody
Free Clarinet Lessons and Digital Library!
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Author: LeWhite
Date: 2005-01-01 22:20
I'm with Robert here - as long as you're still around and posting!
Don't hate me because I play Leblanc! Buffet
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Author: sfalexi
Date: 2005-01-02 00:21
I can understand where you would need to protect your services and reputation (being as your line of products is called "Doc's Products"). Glad to know (as stated above) that you'll still be around.
Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2005-01-02 00:49
You bring up concerns that do need consideration, Omar. Re: copyrights, dont we have to submit info to the USPTO, to be able to exercise such ? Mark C, GBK and perhaps Ken Shaw can advise us on this. As you et al may have noticed, I have frequently given "patentable invention" advice as to signed, pen-paper recording as the first step in disclosure of potentially patentable ideas, [my old employment !!]. I'm glad to help. Don
Thanx, Mark, Don
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2005-01-02 01:05
Don Berger wrote:
> You bring up concerns that do need consideration, Omar. Re:
> copyrights, dont we have to submit info to the USPTO, to be
> able to exercise such ?
Under US law, your writings are protected by copyright as soon as set down. No notification is required. However, in a legal dispute, they should get registered using the US Copyright Office.
The Digital Millenium Copyright Act of 1998 protects ISPs (such as this site) from prosecution as long as they take care to remove material that is shown to infringe upon the copyrights of others - thus my insistence at all times for links to copyrighted material rather than copies.
If a web site located in the US has copies of your material without your permission (not just short excerts - they may be acceptable) and the site won't remove the material, contact the ISP and remind them of their DMCA responsibilities.
More than you wanted to know:
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2005-01-02 01:15
TKS, Mark, I must "update". Hope DMCA provides adequate security to Omar and others. Don
Thanx, Mark, Don
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Author: larryb
Date: 2005-01-02 02:11
which reminds me - my stick of cork grease is getting low - gotta go out and buy some more before my "Doctor" is gone...
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Author: msroboto
Date: 2005-01-02 06:34
I for one am glad that "the doctor" still exists.
I saw the title and thought that something bad might have happened to the doc.
See you around the board!!!!
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Author: Brenda Siewert
Date: 2005-01-02 14:24
Handwritten ideas or "rough drafts" as we writers say, are considered your personal property and your "copyright." So, don't "steal" things that others say and say they're yours. Be careful what you repeat and repeat it exactly and give credit to the author.
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Author: Alseg
Date: 2005-01-02 15:17
Omar, glad u are not really gone
Out of curiousity, where are u being mis-attributed? (best word I can come up with)?
-Where the Sound Matters Most(tm)-
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Author: L. Omar Henderson
Date: 2005-01-02 22:32
Since I have not been able to change my user name with the same email address - Help Mark !!
Thanks for the concern. I have recently gotten into consulting and some competition is using direct quotes from some of my posts in advertising for the same consulting jobs. Their premise is that since it is an alias - The Doctor - that they are free to use it - we'll see what my "grab em by the throat" attorney can do about it but he suggested that I use my real name and then it would be easier to get infringing language deleted.
L. Omar Henderson
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Author: Burt
Date: 2005-01-02 22:43
Omar, as long as you keep posting, I'm happy. A post by any other name is read the same. (Or does that sentence violate copyright?)
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Author: hans
Date: 2005-01-03 02:30
Re: "since it is an alias - The Doctor".... I had always thought of it more as a brand name rather than an alias.
Best wishes,
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Author: jmsa
Date: 2005-01-03 18:05
Your superior products have truely changed clarineting forever. Thanks.
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Author: CPW
Date: 2005-01-03 19:51
In Hollywood: "Bad publicity is better than no publicity at all"
In Woodwinds....doubt that the above is true.
What competitors have used your brand?
I somehow doubt the "The Doctor" is copyrightable(sic) but certainly "The Doctor's Products" methinks is, esp. if it is attached to musical products, but maybe not for , say, zit medicine or that other line of Doctor [Johnson's]products associated with "parental approval of this website and it's 1-900-number"...(or is it a numb-er?? heh heh... )
There once was a Doctor
named Omar
Whose products were no misnomer
On woodwinds they shined
and his swabs were sublime
but competitors purloined his cognomer.
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Author: Brenda Siewert
Date: 2005-01-03 20:04
They say immitation is the sincerest form of flattery--however, in business this is not true, and is always a pain in the....
Blessings, Omar! You're one of the good ones.
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