The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Tiffany
Date: 2000-01-31 02:27
I am looking into buying a bass clarinet to go to college with. Any suggestions??
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2000-01-31 15:40
Look on EBAY [search under bass clarinet] and also the Wichita Band site [new and used] which provides some description and comments! There are other for-sale listings and dealers which can be easily found by a Yahoo search. Don
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Author: Dave Spiegelthal
Date: 2000-02-01 14:17
If you're looking for a new bass clarinet and you're on a limited budget (and don't need the low-C capability), I would recommend a plastic Vito (make sure it has the leather pads) --- it should run about $900 mail-order, and as I've posted before, it plays about 90% as well as a top-of-the-line wood Buffet, Selmer, or Leblanc, for about 1/4 or 1/5 the price (now THAT'S value!). If you buy one, do yourself a favor and have a really good technician go over it and tweak it a bit, as such things as pad heights and tightness of the mechanisms generally aren't set up quite right at the factory.
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Author: Vanessa
Date: 2000-02-02 08:55
it really depends on how much money you are willing to spend.
Did you want a regular student Bass that goes down to Eb or one with a C foot?
I would suggest a Selmer Bass (the one that I am playing at the moment) but if you want something cheaper, Vito makes a reasonable instrument
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Author: E
Date: 2000-02-05 22:02
When you decide to make such an important investment, you have to think about the future. Are you planning on playing the bass clarinet for a long time...20....30 years? If so, don't waste your money on a plastic bass clarinet that you will have to replace soon after college. Go get yourself a top of the line low C bass clarinet. Try as many as you can....don't even consider the brand....only the quality of the instrument. If money is an issue, this is not the right time to purchase a bass clarinet. You might even want to wait until after college. Surely the college you attend will allow you to use one of their instruments while you are enrolled.
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