The Clarinet BBoard
Author: justwannaplay
Date: 2004-11-29 11:23
Fascinating - thanks for posting this Won. Have you played it and do you think it's by Mozart?
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Author: larryb
Date: 2004-11-29 15:23
all you have to do is play it, and you'll know it's not Mozart
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Author: Wonkak Kim
Date: 2004-11-29 15:46
Mark - Dan Lesson is definitely more explicit in the article you posted than mine. He must be quite furious at the music publisher. ("To even consider playing that piece of junk requires you to do pennance, so forget about it. Better you should play the Mozart tenor sax concerto"
) Any idea which pennance I should do? =P I also realized some awkward passages and ideas in this quartet that Mozart would have never written... I guess I'll read through this anyways and see how it sounds.
It is surprising how the name "Mozart" can change the impression on the piece. I really wanted to read this music when I first found it, and now I am not even sure if I want to spend a couple hours reading through it.
Thanks everyone for the quick resposes...
Post Edited (2004-11-29 15:49)
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Author: larryb
Date: 2004-11-29 16:31
Won - you could white-out the name "mozart" in the parts and re-place it with something like "Pleyel" and get some amusement out of it. If your quartet really wants to play Mozart, better to play the piano quintet wind parts. Though missing a key player, you'll at least have some Mozartian enjoyment.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2004-11-29 18:07
Wonkak Kim wrote:
> Mark - Dan Lesson is definitely more explicit in the article
> you posted than mine. He must be quite furious at the music
> publisher.
Nah - that was Dan in "mild style". He's a well-known (and mostly respected ) curmudgeon who uses words as a blunt - and amusing - sword.
He does get his point across, doesn't he?
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Author: Wonkak Kim
Date: 2004-11-29 18:14
larryb - Yea I definitely won't perform this. I just wanted to read it because I never heard of this quartet and found it few days ago... The K. 452 is one of my favorite and I'm performing it next year along with beethoven quintet.
I wonder if the Southern music company still publishes cassazione "as by mozart" I studied the score little bit (phrases, harmony, etc., and it contradicts almost everything I know about Mozart... So it is definitely not by him. (If Mozart really wrote this then he must be unsually drunk or something) Shouldn't we somehow stop them if they still do publishes it as by mozart so that no more people who find this quartet would wonder like me? -Won
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Author: BlockEyeDan
Date: 2004-11-29 20:51
Is this the same "cassazione" posted on Oliver Seely's MIDI site? I thought that the third/polacca movement was quite lovely....Should I flog myself for such an uncouth reaction to this piece?
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