The Clarinet BBoard
Author: LeWhite
Date: 2004-08-08 04:50
Hey guys.
As many of you know I have Leblanc Concertos and I play Greg Smith (K) MPC. I'm not so sure about tuning sometimes... You see one other girl at my college plays Leblanc also, with a Larry Combs mpc and she has 'normal' tuning i.e. I'm flat when pushed in all the way.
I know that the GS mpc is designed to play 'at' 440, and is designed for Buffets. My question is... Do I get a 64mm barrell or do I get a new mpc? What's a good mpc for Leblancs?
I don't know much about this sort of thing. Any help/info/advice is greatly appreciated.
Don't hate me because I play Leblanc! Buffet
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Author: LeOpus1190s
Date: 2004-08-08 05:31
Richard Hawkins mouthpiece's are great for leblanc clarinets... he is also a leblanc person too.
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Author: GBK
Date: 2004-08-08 06:04
LeWhite said:
> Any help/info/advice is greatly appreciated
No one knows more about Greg Smith mouthpieces than Greg himself.
Get in touch with Greg and explain your concerns to him ...GBK
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Author: LeWhite
Date: 2004-08-08 08:10
Well it's one thing to get the maker's opinion, but it's quite another to get an unbiassed opinion from someone who has had experience with all kinds of mpcs and leblancs - I don't think he would have too much experience with them and probably can't help me out.
Thanks for the suggestion LeOpus - you're not the first to recommend Hawkins but I've never actually tried one, which I'll make sure I do as soon as I can!
Don't hate me because I play Leblanc! Buffet
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Author: Clarinetist
Date: 2004-08-08 08:59
I´m also intrested about this thread. If you know some good stock mouthpieces which will work on Leblanc Opus II, I would be more than happy to hear...
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Author: David Peacham
Date: 2004-08-08 11:17
I use a Vandoren M15 (not 13-series) on my Concerto. It plays at 440 with the stock 66mm barrel pulled out less than a millimeter. The instrument came with a 67mm barrel too; this plays a fraction flat.
I also own a Vandoren 5RVLyre 13-series. This plays way flat on the Concerto.
Bear in mind that different players need different kit. Recall the passage in Jack Brymer's book, about how he and his second clarinettist would be way out of tune if they swapped instruments.
If there are so many people on this board unwilling or unable to have a civil and balanced discussion about important issues, then I shan't bother to post here any more.
To the great relief of many of you, no doubt.
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2004-08-08 13:53
Have you tried a 1-2 mm shorter barrel? I measure amd sticker some of my barrels [and mps also] to help me make a quick pitch adjustment without forming a tuning "gap" at the barrel/ U J interface. Simple, Don
Thanx, Mark, Don
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Author: David Peacham
Date: 2004-08-08 14:15
You might also want to consider the "Eddie Daniels" mouthpiece that is supplied with Concerto IIs. I haven't tried one, so can't offer an opinion.
If there are so many people on this board unwilling or unable to have a civil and balanced discussion about important issues, then I shan't bother to post here any more.
To the great relief of many of you, no doubt.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2004-08-08 14:33
LeWhite wrote:
> Well it's one thing to get the maker's opinion, but it's quite
> another to get an unbiassed opinion from someone who has had
> experience with all kinds of mpcs and leblancs - I don't think
> he would have too much experience with them and probably can't
> help me out.
And not asking him whether or not he has experience or whether or not he can help you will accomplish exactly what?
Considering he sells to all sorts of people playing all sorts of equipment, ignoring him is a really smart idea, right?
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Author: hans
Date: 2004-08-08 14:41
Re: "I don't think he would have too much experience with them and probably can't help me out."
You should not assume that; ASSUME makes an ASS of U and ME.
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Author: LeWhite
Date: 2004-08-08 15:04
Yeah okay thanks Mark, sheesh, no need to be a smart-arse about it! Just thought the BB was a good place to start with such a question because people can answer willingly rather than mr. Smith being bothered by probably yet *another* mouthpiece question that he answers on a daily basis anyway.
Don't hate me because I play Leblanc! Buffet
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2004-08-08 15:07
LeWhite wrote:
> Yeah okay thanks Mark, sheesh, no need to be a smart-arse about
> it! Just thought the BB was a good place to start with such a
> question because people can answer willingly rather than mr.
> Smith being bothered by probably yet *another* mouthpiece
> question that he answers on a daily basis anyway.
Greg Smith sells his mouthpieces as part of his living and readly answers all questions posed to him as part of his business.
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Author: LeOpus1190s
Date: 2004-08-08 17:03
Mark -
You could be slightly nicer when you reply. You sometimes come of a bit harsher than perhaps you meant to.
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Author: contragirl
Date: 2004-08-08 17:20
I had a similar problem with my R13 and B45 mpc. I was always super sharp. So I finally bought a 67 mm moennig, which fixed my tuning. Then when I swicthed to an M13 Lyre, my tuning was really flat, so I had to go back to a 66mm barrel (Clark Fobes).
I was surprised that my mpc had so much to do with tuning.
The question should be are you happy with your mpc? If you feel that your mpc gives you the best sound, articulation, etc and you don't want to change it, then I say go for a new barrel.
But I also suggest trying out new mpcs, because I would not have known that my bad articulation was due mostly to the B45. When I got the M13L, my articulation and sound improved a lot. Then you could just buy a new mpc.
Maybe just go to your music store and try a whole bunch of barrels and mpcs. Mix and match your old mpc and barrel with new mpcs and barrels. Maybe you will find a whole new setup! :P
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Author: Clarinetist
Date: 2004-08-08 19:35
This is not directly related to the thread, but I didn´t want to start a new thread, because of this little question. So, I assume that the Opus II comes with a Combs LC1 or LC3 mouthpiece. Correct, if I´m wrong. If anyone has tried this setup, could you tell me, how is the intonation etc.
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Author: LeWhite
Date: 2004-08-09 00:21
I only have a Concerto (original) so it came with the K10m which I haven't even tried.
Don't hate me because I play Leblanc! Buffet
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Author: Alexis
Date: 2004-08-09 01:51
I had a Greg Smith (1+) on an R13 with a 66 barrel and found it played quite flat for me, especially around the throat notes. Even with my 65 barrel it still wasn't perfect and I have found this to be the case with most of the Greg Smith mouthpieces I tried regardless of the brand of clarinet.
If you love the sound and response it makes more sense to change the barrel (to a 64mm) than the mouthpiece.
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Author: Gregory Smith ★2017
Date: 2004-08-09 06:15
My mouthpiece is designed to be compatible with many different brands of clarinets, barrels, and styles of playing.
If anyone interested in my mouthpieces has any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. I am always interested in clarifying any individual concerns or issues that may arise.
Gregory Smith
Post Edited (2004-08-09 06:19)
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Author: Fred
Date: 2004-08-09 11:22
When I purchased a Ched 1+ from Greg, he recommended switching from my Buffet 66mm barrel to a Chadash 65mm barrel. He was exactly correct.
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Author: D Dow
Date: 2004-08-09 11:38
YOu may simply want to get in touch with Mr. Smith about your to playing flat it won't help your development. Many of my students sound great on regular B40s and M30s... I use B40s professionally and find they tune to the M30 one of my students tunes beautifully with his. I also have a B40 13 that is dead on in terms of pitch..a really bad thing is to have the throat register too low...this is a really big problem for so much of the clarinet is used in this register. On top of this it can mean tuning in the altissimo is going to be very low as well....if anything go to the maker first. Air speed is a key to good tuning as well as the instrument being kept in peak performance shape.
David Dow
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