The Clarinet BBoard
Author: clarinet_mike
Date: 2004-08-02 19:10
Hi everybody, I'm getting ready for my audition for Manhattan School of Music. Even though it's 7-8 months away I want to make sure I'm ready for this. The Undergraduate Audition Requirements are:
1. Two contrasting etudes.
2. Two complete works from contrasting periods.
3. Two contrasting orchestral excerpts.
4. Knowledge of transposition/clefs where applicable.
5. Sight-reading.
For the two contrasting etudes I've decided on a couple out of the C. Rose 32 Etudes For Clarinet book. #3 and #24 I'm thinking. For two complete works from contrasting periods I think they mean something from maybe the classical period and something modern. Do they mean a full concerto or something along those lines? And my last question is where can I find books with orchestral excerpts? Any help would be awesome.
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Author: GBK
Date: 2004-08-02 19:37
clarinet_mike wrote:
> And my last question is where can I find
> books with orchestral excerpts? Any help would be awesome.
Click on the sponsors links to the right under "Music & Books" ...GBK
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Author: kdennyclarinet
Date: 2004-08-03 01:16
For #2, it could include:
a Sonata or Sonatina (Brahms, Poulenc, Mendelssohn, Bernstein, Copland, Devienne, Hindemith, Saint-Saens, Martinu, Horovitz, Milhaud)
a Concerto (Mozart, Weber, Copland, Finzi, Krommer, Hindemith, Nielsen, Tomasi)
a piece for solo clarinet (Stravinsky Three Pieces, Osborne Rapsody, Harvey Three Etudes on Gershwin, Smith Five Pieces, Sutermeister Capriccio, or any of the Hommages by Kovacs)
a Theme and Variations work (Weber, Rossini) or other multi-movement piece (Finzi Bagatelles, Fantasy Pieces by Gade and Schumann, Dello Joio Three Essays, Babin Hillandale Waltzes, Lutoslawski Dance Preludes, Muczynski Time Pieces)
or any of the solo de concours pieces... the possibilities are very open in this category. I tried to give you a wide range of difficulty in my few examples. While the "classics" are good representations of clarinet music, you may try to set yourself apart a bit by choosing at least one thing that is not overplayed. For example, if you choose to play a Brahms Sonata, then don't play the Mozart concerto too.
Best of luck!
K. Denny
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Author: William
Date: 2004-08-03 14:25
"then don't play the Mozart concerto too"
Zounds......HE wrote a second one????? (that should get the committes attention)
(sorrrry, its early--couldn't resist)
Post Edited (2004-08-03 14:26)
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