The Clarinet BBoard
Author: LiCoRiCeStIcK
Date: 2004-06-23 18:29
I'm thinking about changing reeds from v12 to something else. They're just not consistant! What you think of Gonzalez, Zonda Select, or Brancher?
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Author: D Dow
Date: 2004-06-23 18:52
I have not had a problem with playing on No. 4 V12s with David Hite pieces...what are you using for mouthpieces? Not sure , but maybe you are not doing enough adjustment to the can. Never expect the cane to play perfect, you must break it in....
David Dow
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Author: GBK
Date: 2004-06-23 18:54
Have you read any of the past postings on the reed brands you listed? They all they have been discussed very extensively.
The archives are always a good starting point to see what has been previously written
New comments, of course, are certainly welcomed ...GBK
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Author: David Spiegelthal ★2017
Date: 2004-06-23 18:55
"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines."
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882), Self-Reliance
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Author: D Dow
Date: 2004-06-23 19:20
Always loved Emerson, and I am a great fan of Herman Melville...
"Artisty hides technique"
Jean-Paul Roman
David Dow
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Author: mkybrain
Date: 2004-06-23 19:57
If ur interested in gonzalez reeds, look them up on a search of this forum, or, do to
If u have question, go to the about us section on and send Phil Shapiro an e-mail. He has helped me a lot, and I mean A LOT with this reed business.
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Author: theclarinetist
Date: 2004-06-24 05:48
I believe Abraham Lincoln once said something to the effect of "why use a four-syllable word where a one-syllable word will suffice?"... Good advice for Mr. Emerson, perhaps...
Anyway. I just switched from V12 4.5 to Gonzalez 4. I have had a lot more luck with them. I usually used V12s with no problem, but the last few boxes were almost all bad, so I gave up. I would definitely recommend checking them out.
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Author: Kevin
Date: 2004-06-25 12:41
In my opinion, no synthetic reed can match an organic reed. I've found the fibracell to produce an extremely thin and unfull sound... they may make a good backup, but will never replace my vandorens as primary reeds.
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Author: David Spiegelthal ★2017
Date: 2004-06-25 13:56
Although I'm an advocate of Legere synthetic reeds for backup/doubling/outdoor duty (I have some for bass clarinet, soprano clarinet and tenor sax), I would not use them as my primary reed or on critical gigs --- Legeres comes as close to 'cane sound' as any synthetic to date, but still lack a certain 'je ne sais quoi'. I play with quite a few musicians who use them as their primary reeds and think nobody can tell, but I sure can.....Other synthetics I've tried, including Bari, Fibracell, and the Harry Hartmann reeds, weren't even in contention IMHO.
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Author: glin
Date: 2004-06-25 14:59
It might be nice to have a Legere or Fibercell as a backup for those humid outdoor summer concerts when your batch of cane reeds are not responding well. But, for everyday playing on soprano clarinet, I recommend cane.
Apparently, the synthetic reeds respond better on the bass clarinet and saxaphones. I tried bass cl Legere and a Fibercell reeds, but eventually went back to cane. It just had a better "feel".
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