The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Carol Dutcher
Date: 2004-06-04 17:42
Just wanted to share with jazz lovers this website of old jazz bands. Benny Goodman playing when he was only 18, what a genius he was. I can spend hours just exploring and listening to the 1928 - 1932 bands. Even Lawrence Welk is there with his "Hotsy Totsy" band. The song "Spiked Beer" is really cute.
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2004-06-05 17:32
Many TKS, Carol and Joe Mich[igan?]. Great to see pics, hear music etc of our Great Heritage of cl players. Initially, J M, I was intrigued by the 1920's Sel pic, I also have a ['20's] Selmer [Full Boehm, no Albert "left-overs" tho], still plays well! Hard to make out the pic's "long keys" structure but the F/C etc looks like the old Patent C#, mid 1800's I believe, but the U J and upper L J looks Boehm to me ! Carol, have you a link to R H Jazz, I'll search for it as best that I can, want it in my Fav Places also. TKS Don
Thanx, Mark, Don
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2004-06-05 17:46
Found it easily,, many links therefrom. Don
Thanx, Mark, Don
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Author: ned
Date: 2004-06-06 01:59
I'm glad you folk have finally found this site, I have been mentioning this for some years now on this forum.
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Author: John Morton
Date: 2004-06-07 18:25
A year or two back I stumbled on a link to a Java program that could search the Red Hot Jazz Archive by tune title. It might be bookmarked on another computer I use, so I'll check later. I remember it as being troublesome, possibly a browser conflict.
If anyone knows or uses this, please share it with the group. It's a great way to identify the original or definitive version of a tune, because the Archive lists all the session dates.
John Morton
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