The Clarinet BBoard
Author: klairnyrett
Date: 2004-05-23 13:24
Hi! I was just wondering what is the best mouthpiece/ligature combination? I own a Buffet E11 and is thinking of switching my Vandoren B45 traditional to a different Vandoren mouthpiece because I don't feel comfortable playing on the B45 everytime I perform. The problem is there are so many Vandoren mouthpiece models to choose from that I have no idea which one to get. I'm looking for a mouthpiece that produces a darker sound. Do you have any recommendations? Also, I'm thinking of getting the Eddie Daniels II ligature. Any comments on this ligature? Should I get it? Did any of you try the BG Super Revelation ligature before? What is your opinion?
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Author: Hank Lehrer
Date: 2004-05-23 14:14
Hi Sarah,
Boy, for your first post, you have posed a question that has been kicked around on the BB for sometime. I'm afraid there is no real good answer either as there are just too many variables.
Does anyone (teachers, friends, etc.) have some different mouthpieces or ligatures that you could try? What may play really great for them might be not as good.
I'd do a search on the BB and put in ligature or Van Doren Mouthpeices and start reading (this will be an education for you).
PS I play a Portnoy BP02, a Buffet C Crown, or a Stowell Wells Schneider 2 with either a modified Gigliotti ligature or sometimes a Luyben or Bonade.
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Author: Bob A
Date: 2004-05-23 14:15
"What kind of toothpaste do you use and why?"
It's all a matter of taste!
Bob A
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Author: William
Date: 2004-05-23 16:29
For ligs, I like and use the VanDoren Optimum (parallel rail insert) with my soprano Bb/A and bass clarinets. Any mouthiece will do, as long as it plays well for me.
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Author: Betty
Date: 2004-05-23 18:16
I have yet to find a ligature I enjoy/like. Most of the metal ones Ive tried are just too TIGHT. The ligature I am using now is about to fall apart, so if you find the perfect one, let me know!! *I use a B45 for parades and a yamaha custom for concerts (it has a smaller interface)...I find the B45 to be a bit brassy (?) but perfect for marching when I need a bold loud sound.
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Author: hans
Date: 2004-05-23 18:20
No. 1 clarinet: VanDoren 5RV [ two-tone which definitely makes it sound better;-) ] with VD Optimum ligature using the 4 point contact plate
No. 2 clarinet: Selmer C85/120 with the standard Selmer ligature that came with my Recital;i.e., simple metal with two-screws.
IMO both of these mouthpieces produce a dark sound but I have a slight preference for the 5RV. The ligature makes next to no difference but of the two the Optimum is the more convenient to use.
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Author: Clarinetist
Date: 2004-05-23 18:44
If you would like to have a truly great mouthpiece (at least it worked for me) you should try Peter Eaton´s. I tried my teacher´s Eaton and it was great! It produces a nice, rich and dark sound. But I have to warn you, they are expensive. You get one for around 400$. But if money isn´t a problem then you should give it a try. He has a website: I will get a mouthpiece from him in the summer.
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Author: Tara
Date: 2004-05-23 19:01
I recently got a Vandoren M30 that I play with a BG Revelation. I love this setup, and actually find it an improvement over the more expensive mp that I used to play. I did have to play on several before I found a good one, but the time was well worth it... Good luck!
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Author: William
Date: 2004-05-23 19:02
Betty wrote, "Most of the metal ones Ive tried are just too TIGHT."
Ligatures are not "tight", it is the clarinetist that over-tightens it during assembly. Charles Bay specifically warns users of his ligature--which is made of very thin metal (his "secret", he says)--that over-tightening will cause them to crack. But with any ligature, it should not be tightened beyond "snug"--that is, as soon as tightness is noticed, give it only a slight extra twist. Just enough to securely hold the reed in place, but not so much as to leave grooves on the butt after playing.
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Author: D Dow
Date: 2004-05-23 19:49
The B45 is not such a bad mouthpiece, however, it works nicely with a BG Revelation or a Rovner dark ligature for sure. The Bonade may tend to make it a bit shrill. B45's are a bit more comfortable than the B40s in terms of beak and reed resistance so you should be able to get 3 and 31/2 reeds to work just fine.
As to other mouthpieces there are many and mouthpiece choice is a very personal use discretion and remember to look for a piece that helps you sound the way you want to sound.
Ps. The M30 and M15s are much darker.
David Dow
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Author: LeOpus1190s
Date: 2004-05-23 21:33
In chicago, I have mostly seen optimum, in the CSO section as well with the except of Greg Smith who I think uses a bonade inverted.
The most popular set up right now is a Richard Hawkins Mouthpiece with an Optimum ligature.
The BG ligatures are gaining popularity though, they haven't worked for me though.
so what works best for me is my Vandoren M30 13 and Optimum Ligature with Vandoren 3.5's
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Author: GBK
Date: 2004-05-23 21:49
LeOpus1190s wrote:
> The most popular set up right now is a Richard Hawkins
> Mouthpiece with an Optimum ligature.
Most popular??? ...GBK
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Author: sfalexi
Date: 2004-05-23 22:22
I would think a very common setup in CSO would be a greg smith. I'm sure he's made them for the other members of the CSO. And they ARE awesome.
Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!
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Author: bkmorton
Date: 2004-05-24 01:19
I really like the M13 and a metal ligature like the Bonade or Bay
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Author: Mark Pinner
Date: 2004-05-24 10:51
Zinner J95 (German) with 120 millimetres of leather shoelace material, 2 mm diameter. Vintage D 3 1/2 unfiled (preferred) or White Master 4 (if I have to). Sounds like there are a lot of people out there with too much time and money to waste.
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