The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Betty
Date: 2004-04-30 21:30
Hi! I just purchased a brand new Yamaha Bb YCL 650 from WWand BW and I just wanted to say that I do NOT like it!
It is a great looking clarinet as far as looks go. Not really black but sort of a dark rich brown with a black mouthpiece. The case it came in is a tiny tiny hard molded thing. Useless except to carry the actual instrument and nothing else but a reed or two. The left case clasp was already loose and the lining was already peeling away. (I have only had this in my possession for 2 days)
But the clarinet itself had a problem - the F# key had a delayed reaction to it, not taken care of by loosening or tightening the screw. Also the holes (machined) had a rough cut feel to them. Very disappointing for the price I paid. (So after talking to all sorts of techs and Yamaha themselves, I am sending it back). I've had Patricola suggested to me, but this experience has sort of left me feeling a bit 'shy to try'.
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Author: mw
Date: 2004-04-30 21:51
WW&BW has a pretty liberal return policy provided no alterations have been made. By the way, WHICH F# ? I can think of a couple of F#'s which could have a delay for various reasons. Generally, though, an easy fix. Toneholes & Chimneys which are imperfect are like Keywork that is marred or damaged - not something anyone wants to buy.
Post Edited (2004-04-30 21:55)
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Author: sfalexi
Date: 2004-04-30 22:09
but this experience has sort of left me feeling a bit 'shy to try'.
Definitely something you can't be! Anyone will tell you that when choosing clarinets and/or mouthpieces, you HAVE to try as much as possible! So start trying out as many as possible. And enjoy the process!
Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!
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Author: Gordon (NZ)
Date: 2004-05-01 07:56
Hmm. The case is probably chosen (from several options) by WW/BW, and this choice may reflect their customers' seeking of the lowest price possible. Perhaps you should have specified which case you wanted. Perhaps WW/BW should have presented options (along with the very differing charges)
It is quite likely not even a standard student Yamaha case that you have. With the compact moulded cases I see (hundreds of them, over many years of customer ownership) from Yamaha Japan, I have never experienced the quality problems you describe. The case you describe could well be a much cheaper one sourced in China. It is probably unfair to blame Yamaha for your experience re the case.
You don't say which F# key, but almost every new instrument, irrespective of make or model, has several problems such as this, which are quite easily put right. So this seems also to point to WW/BW, in not having checked and corrected it. once again, perhaps because of the price expectations of most of their customer base. I put MANY such things right on new Selmer Paris instruments that go through my hands here. Buffets seem no different. Some of the smaller makers may be different. IN my experience, Yamaha instruments are generally 'more right' than those from the French makers.
"Also the holes (machined) had a rough cut feel to them."
I think you need to elaborate more here. Do you mean that there is a somewhat sharp edge between the cylindrical surfaces and the flat surfaces of the tone hole. If so, you may not be used to it in a more worn instrument, but it would enable the irregular, fingerprinted surface of a finger to seal with less finger pressure. To take the stack keys off and round these surfaces, equivalent to a few years wear, would take perhaps 5-10 minutes. Personally, I would prefer the un'worn' edges.
Or perhaps it is something else that is troubling you? Does the timber itself show some grain irregularity in the surface. Would you prefer that the maker filled the surface blemishes with black goo, as is current common practice. Many players now prefer the look of unadulterated timber.
Perhaps the issue of the tone holes is one of personal customising. The others, I would fire largely at WW/BW.
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Author: diz
Date: 2004-05-02 22:14
Betty ... don't be put off, best advice is to head off to a store and try a few out. I would not purchase a musical instrument without seeing it and playing it first.
Gordon is right ... sounds quite unlike Yamaha who are normally very careful in everything they produce nowadays ... think tea ceremony and you get an insight into their perfectionist minds (I generalise).
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Author: bnanno
Date: 2004-05-03 09:50
You have some good advice here, don't be put off and do caryy on trying. The Buffet RC we bought after trying a loadfull, including Yamahas, also needed some adjustment afterwards although the mechanism was "perfect" according to the teacher (surprisingly, apparently, for a Buffet). But now its going fantastically well.
The YAMAHA we tried was your model, and the case you descibe definitley doesn't correspond to the ones I saw in the shop..infact, in this price range, they were all pretty similar in size and shape to one another (Buffets, Le Blancs, Yamahas and Selmers) so it does seem that the shop would have swopped the case.
Although we eventually bought a Buffet, the Yamahas were also very sound instruments, and everyone seems to agree that they provide the most even quality,
so good luck with your purchase, I am sure you will end up with the clarinet that you like!
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Author: Ed
Date: 2004-05-03 12:05
It seems odd, because in my experiences, the Yamaha clarinets are generally well made and fit and finish are excellent. Have them send you a few more to try.
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Author: Betty
Date: 2004-05-04 15:16
My past experiences with Yamaha have been good.
The Yami tech I spoke with told me that these things happen occasionally. (WW/BW is going to exchange the clarinet -no problem!!) Everyone was very helpful in trying to get the problem solved but adjustment wasnt enough, so Ill just wait for the new one to arrive and get my lips in shape for the 'break in' period!!
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Author: BobD
Date: 2004-05-06 15:14
The "standard" molded plastic "student case" that has been supplied, say on the model 20, is a nice compact case....and some people like them. Perhaps this was one that a purchaser didn't like and WW had it "laying around". The more expensive "Pro" optional case that has been offered by Yamaha is great if you like a bigger one that will carry everything.
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Author: David Spiegelthal ★2017
Date: 2004-05-06 16:37
I really liked the two Yamaha motorcycles I've owned. They were far superior to the last Buffet meal I ate (in an all-you-can-eat diner just outside Selmer, Alabamer I believe it was....)
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Author: David Spiegelthal ★2017
Date: 2004-05-06 18:22
Their website says they started building motorcycles in 1954 and wind instruments in 1965. No wonder my Radian 600 and XS-850 drove better than that low-C bass clarinet played.............
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Author: Matt Locker
Date: 2004-05-06 19:39
The Yamaha website states that they began producing reed organs in 1887. Wind instruments are a relatively new line in comparison.
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Author: poopsie
Date: 2004-05-06 22:16
Personally I say don't trust a company that makes cars, boats, computer gadgets, and other stuff in the making of an instrument. You are more than likely to find that the instrument does not work as well as it would if it were made by a company who manufactures only woodwinds or clarinets.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2004-05-06 22:55
I think you'd be surpriced at what diverse things are produced by the parent companies of many musical instrument makers ...
You need to understand that the companies under such umbrella companies are essentially autonomous.
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Author: Gordon (NZ)
Date: 2004-05-07 05:53
Poopsie, would you also have reservations about a god which made insects and human beings?
If a company has the right ATTITUDE to make one thing to perfection, then they are well on the way to making anything well.
Besides, the spin-off skills and knowledge from manufacturing one item, often assists in perfecting another item, ahead of the standard reached by a specialist manufacturer without such spin-offs.
For example, Yamaha has been using superior, more stable materials for silencing linkages where adjustment is critical, for decades. Selmer is just beginning to toy with a similar material.
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Author: sfalexi
Date: 2004-05-07 14:59
In response to poopsie a few posts up (library computer won't allow me to copy and past for a quote)
You'd be surprised at how many products you might have that already are by manufacturers that have branched out. Manufacturer's often go either vertically when expanding (to similar products) or also branch out horizontally (as yamaha did). I was heck of suprised to find out that my GE fridge at home was by the same company that makes the jet engines on our US fighter planes. And the fridge works just fine after many years . . . and our military really trusts those F-16s. So maybe the best test is just to try it for yourself and make a judgement based on the product, NOT on whether they company 'specializes' in ONLY that type of product.
And as Gordon pointed out, just cause a company 'specializes' in wind instruments doesn't mean it'll necessarily beat out another larger, more diverse company.
Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2004-05-07 15:01
sfalexi wrote:
> In response to poopsie a few posts up (library computer
> won't allow me to copy and past for a quote)
Use threaded view, open up the post you want to reply to, and hit the "quote" button ... and it'll also get attached properly.
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Author: sfalexi
Date: 2004-05-07 15:01
Ah. So THAT'S how to get it from a few posts up. Thanks mark!
Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!
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