The Clarinet BBoard
Author: MRidgeP
Date: 1999-12-05 23:01
Does anyone have any first hand experience about the playing characteristics of the Festival and Prestige? What insight does anyone have about playing these two. Thanx
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Author: Sara
Date: 1999-12-06 00:51
I don't know much about the playing sharactoristics, except that I love the smooth liquidy tone that my festival gives me when I have the perfect reed and am well warmed up.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 1999-12-06 01:16
In my son's opinion - he much prefers the RC to the Festival. He owns a pair of Festivals, but the RCs were significantly more money.
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Author: Abbie
Date: 1999-12-06 20:05
When I compared the RC and the Festival, I was torn...I loved the tone of the Festival, but action-wise the RC is faster and easier. Also, a custom-made barrel does wonders to the even a Prestige! Some of the other clarinet majors here are determined that the RC is better for jazz and that sort of thing, where you need a bigger tone to cut through the brass, but I'm not sure if I agree...
:-) Abbie
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Author: paul
Date: 1999-12-06 20:28
I have only a Festival, so I can't compare fairly to the RC. However, I just put a custom made pro grade mouthpiece on top of the entire horn, with much improved tone. I've had pros check out my Festival and compare it to their R-13's (again, not necessarily the comparison you wanted, but it's the best I can do for you). Each one of the pros instantly fell in lust with my Festival. They really didn't want to give it back to me. Smooth and quick action, great tone (even for an adult novice like me), perfect tuning meter checked intonation on all notes (I can get really close as an adult novice), flexibility (silver plated keys, undercut tone holes, and GoreTex pads), you name it and the Festival has it as a premium pro grade clarinet. I'm sure the RC has all of this and possibly more. Test play both horns a lot and then take a hard look at your wallet as you make your decision.
Have fun but also be careful making your final decision. It's the investment of a lifetime.
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Author: Michael Norsworthy
Date: 1999-12-07 14:07
Interestingly enough, I own both. I have a Bb - Festival and an A - RC Prestige. They are remarkably well matched instruments and many players in Europe are playing the same combination of instruments. I find that they are a bit more resistant than the R13s or R13 Prestiges which I like because I do a lot of contemporary music. They are also more round in so far as the shape of the sound is concerned. I find the R13s to be much more pointed sounding which i don't care for.
Try them all!!! That's what I did before I bought this set. Good luck
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Author: William
Date: 1999-12-07 16:30
I recently tried a Festival, Prestige and a Greenline and preferred the Green. (FYI: Former R-13 player now using LeBlanc Concertos.)
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Date: 1999-12-09 01:37
There are two Prestiges. R-13 and RC. I had a RC Prestige. Its conspicuous characteristics is bell window. It is rectangular, provably to make over tones richer.
I felt this instrument need a real power on the player to get its real sounds.
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