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 When do you compose?
Author: sfalexi 
Date:   2003-12-23 02:36

Yet ANOTHER question for you composers out there! I'm not really interested in composing, however sometimes when I'm trying to fall asleep late at night, these great ideas and sounds pop into my head. Chords with a solo line, sometimes I'll just be thinking about a certain song and I'll wonder what it would sound like reduced to a trio or duet and I'll get what I think is great sounding music in my head . . . .

The problem comes the next day when I try to remember what I was thinking of. And I don't have the luxury to get up when I am in the mood (so far it has always been too late to start banging on a piano in my house and writing the chords).

Do you have any tips on how to remember it or how to get in a mood when you have time? Just curious because even though I have no intention of ever publishing stuff, I'd still like to try!


Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!

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 Re: When do you compose?
Author: ksclarinetgirl 
Date:   2003-12-23 04:38

I'm not a serious composer by any means, but I have a simple music notation program on my computer, and I find that I can sit down and find the right chord by plugging it into my computer. Thankfully I've had my two years of Aural Skills (ear-training) so I can usually tell what chords and intervals I need to jot down. But anyway, if you have a computer with Finale or Sibelius that helps to put things down late at night. I also keep staff paper with me almost all the time, so I can jot stuff down whenever I need to. Hope this helps!

Stephanie :o)

"Vita Brevis, Ars Longa"

Post Edited (2003-12-23 05:40)

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 Re: When do you compose?
Author: EEBaum 
Date:   2003-12-23 05:28

I am eternally grateful for those ear training courses now.

I hear a lot right before going to sleep (happens in the shower too... anywhere inconvenient). Lately, I make sure there is always a pencil and paper (preferably staff paper) readily accessible. Last night, even, I almost went to sleep half a dozen times, each time waking up to add a note or comment to a piece I'm working on. If I don't write it down right away, there's a 95% chance it'll be gone in the morning.

If I write anything on paper, I lose 25% of what's in my head. If I immediately try to play it on an instrument, 50% is gone. If I get it played back to me (e.g. Finale), I lose 90%. Hence my predisposition toward the traditional pencil & paper method.


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 Re: When do you compose?
Author: ron b 
Date:   2003-12-23 06:12

I must say first off, I'm also by no means a composer. I am 'by nature' a tinkerer.
I often have nearby some staff paper and a clipboard to jot down stuff, just in case; kind of the way some folks do crossword puzzles when they have some idle time and would rather be 'busy' than wasting the opportunity (to improve our minds???). Past aural training is a significant help. I enjoy transposing and copying parts for ensembles I participate with beause most of my fellow players can't sight transpose. I like to 'compose' too. While most of it stinks, it's worth saving for the thought/idea content... maybe someday I'll get lucky [tongue]
I love to do pencil sketches as well. Two years of art school and twenty five years worth of vocational graphic art helps. I find that in both of these endeavors, the more you do the better you get. At least that's the idea. Practice helps iron out the wrinkles. Someday I hope to get really good at something....

- r[cool]n b -

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 Re: When do you compose?
Author: sfalexi 
Date:   2003-12-23 06:54

Well thanks all. I have some thoughts and ideas to dwell on. My main focus is learning to play the clarinet, but if I have some ideas on some line or riff, I may as well be able to put 'em down! Maybe one of them will sound really neat! or maybe I'll one day be able to make some easy duet book! We'll see . . .


Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!

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 Re: When do you compose?
Author: Tom A 
Date:   2003-12-23 10:30

Woe is me, I can compose only outside the opera season, when my conducting engagements in Vienna have ended. I must retreat to my summer house at Maiernigg, swim across the lake, climb the mountain, and then portray both of them in music before lunch. Such is the infernal racket of beer passing down the throats of the locals that I send my wife out regularly with instructions that people should not walk within one mile, and if they must do so, they may not touch the ground. Speaking of my wife, she's insatiable, which makes composing time even harder to come by. She keeps threatening that she'll run away with this architect who has a name so ridiculous that he must have changed his original one to make it sound ruder.

Who am I?

(Sorry Alexi, it's late here and I couldn't resist.)

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 Re: When do you compose?
Author: Brenda 
Date:   2003-12-23 12:44

William, sounds like you, my dear, should be writing books, such is your imagination. Robert Munsch was just now on the radio reading one of his great children's books, and your story sounds like one of those he'd love to put his growling voice into - except not for the kiddies, this one!

So you're a conductor from Vienna - are you one of those conductors who gets sent around the world on Jan. 1st for Salute to Vienna? We've had a few of you here - always a sold-out concert!

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 Re: When do you compose?
Author: hans 
Date:   2003-12-23 17:00

You are in good company: Duke Ellington was at his most creative late at night too, after the end of a playing session. He consumed copious quantities of steak and ice cream during these periods, so that might be worth a try too.
If you get an electric keyboard with headphones you can compose anytime without disturbing others.

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 Re: When do you compose?
Author: sfalexi 
Date:   2003-12-23 21:15

Consume quantities of steak and ice-cream while composing? Well, Ok. I really don't WANT to do that . . . but if it'll help my creative juices then I guess I'll have to make some sacrifices. Now where's that sirloin topped with Vanilla Chocolate Chip?![toast]

Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!

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 Re: When do you compose?
Author: diz 
Date:   2003-12-23 21:25

I compose all day long, just depends on what ends up as a completed work. My "Reflections" for clarinet ensemble was composed in August - at a terrible time in my life - but it was very therapeutic, those of you who live in or near Ontario might get to hear it in January, I understand. The Upper Canada Clarinet Choir are putting on a recital at the University of Ontario (Brenda correct me if I'm wrong here). Sorry, wasn't meaned to be blatant self-promotion, Mark.

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 Re: When do you compose?
Author: Brenda 
Date:   2003-12-23 22:57

It'll be performed in Dundas, just outside of Hamilton, Ontario at the Carnegie Gallery, Jan. 17. Playing (I hope in hearing as well) "Reflections" makes one feel as though one is reflecting on the past and on relationships although it's not entirely restful, then the thoughts turn towards being more turbulent, and it returns to reflection again. It has contrasting rhythms occurring between the Eb soprano and bass players against the rhythm of the Bb clarinets. Quite an interesting piece. It's challenging to put together, but not a beast to play like some other compositions we've spoken of.

We're not sure of playing it at the Univ.of Toronto, those arrangements haven't been pinned down yet.

For those who can compose I take my hat off. We feel the whole range of emotions in a lifetime, but a composer can interpret, capture and transfer those feelings by means of music. The rest of us can only try to convey these feelings with words. Through their compositions we see ourselves, especially if we know why the composer felt the need to write what he did and what was happening in his life at the time.

For any of you who have music going on in your head, definitely try to capture it. You don't know what abilities you have until you try.

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 Re: When do you compose?
Author: diz 
Date:   2003-12-24 00:26

Brenda, as always very erudite and insightful. It's a pleasure working with you guys - we'll just have to catch up in the new year. I wish you a Merry Christmas (if that's your thing) or a happy holiday. diz xo

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 Re: When do you compose?
Author: hans 
Date:   2003-12-24 02:42

Dundas is a very short drive from my home. Could you tell me what time of day the performance is and how I can get tickets?
Thank you,

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 Re: When do you compose?
Author: Rachel 
Date:   2003-12-24 11:08

I compose whenever I feel like composing. I do get a lot of ideas at night. Just as I'm about to get to sleep, I'll get an idea- then I'll have to get out of bed and sketch it out. It's not only composing- once I was thinking about nothing in particular, when it suddenly occured to me that the word "circus" is from the Latin "circa".

My Trio for Clarinet, Cello and Piano was composed at a time when I was absolutely devastated about a personal failure (early this year), and it turned out to be one of the best pieces I've ever composed. (It was THE best at the time it was finished.)

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 Re: When do you compose?
Author: Brenda 
Date:   2003-12-24 12:20

Hans, I sent you an e-message about the details of the concert.

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