The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Zannah
Date: 1999-11-14 06:33
I'm interested in the Marine band and am getting some info on it. How hard is it to get into the band? Has anyone auditioned for the band?
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Author: bigcage
Date: 1999-11-14 10:03
Zannah: I'm not an authority on this, but a friend auditioned and said the following: know all you scales, major and minor, sightreading is a biggy, and KNOW the correct style for the 2nd strain of Stars and Stripes. Listen to any and all the recordings for style, intonation,and flat out ability are a must. The unit band's are easier to join, but in these bands, you are a marine first and a musician later! Good luck, I hear it's a great life.
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Author: Brandon
Date: 1999-11-14 14:13
Last year our school had members of the President's Marine Band. I asked them how hard it was to get into one of these groups. They said it was like auditioning for a symphony orchestra. In this band you are a musician before a marine. Most of the players have Masters or Doctorates. I do not think they have to do boot camp.
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Author: Kevin L. Oviatt
Date: 1999-11-14 15:46
Go talk to a Marine Corps. recruiter and get ready to play the Marine Corps hymn till you puke,and put up with the same brainwashing and abuse.By the way John Coltrane and Bill Watrous were Both Navy band Members.
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Author: Kevin L. Oviatt
Date: 1999-11-14 15:47
Go talk to a Marine Corps. recruiter and get ready to play the Marine Corps hymn till you puke,and put up with the same brainwashing and abuse By the way John Coltrane and Bill Watrous were Both Navy band Members.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 1999-11-14 17:59
Kevin L. Oviatt wrote:
Go talk to a Marine Corps. recruiter and get ready to play the Marine Corps hymn till you puke,and put up with the same brainwashing and abuse.
Been there? Done that? Or just guessing?
BTW - as a clarinetist - be ready to play the Nutcracker 10 times every Christmas - till you puke.
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Author: Oh
Date: 1999-11-15 16:10
The Marine Band does not have you go through basic training if you make the Washington Band. The base bands are a totaly different story. Recruiters are professional liars. Make sure anything you do is in writing, or you will end up a soldier instead of a musician.
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Author: Oh
Date: 1999-11-15 16:12
I have taught with US. Navy Band Principal players, and Marine Band members (roomate with a Clarinet soloist), so although I have not been there, I know many who have done that.
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Author: David Blumberg
Date: 1999-11-15 16:17
Making the Marine Band (in D.C) is like making an Orchestra. Very, very competitive. Don't think of making it straight out of High School, it just will not happen. Some players audition for the job to get employment while advancing their playing so that they can get an orchestra job. It rarely happens though. Most players get into the "rut" of the job and end up there for their careers - happy or not. Great retirement benefits though
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 1999-11-15 16:31
Oh wrote:
Recruiters are professional liars. Make sure anything you do is in writing, or you will end up a soldier instead of a musician.
Having had professional interactions with recruiters (having spent 9 years in the Navy):
Recruiters I've known don't lie. They don't have to. Very few people know what questions to ask, and they pepper their languge with "subject to the needs of the [insert the branch of service]".
I always loved the phrase "Join the Navy & See the World". It's true.
Just remember that 3/4ths of the world is covered in water!
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Author: Daniel
Date: 1999-11-16 03:22
Mark Charette wrote:
BTW - as a clarinetist - be ready to play the Nutcracker 10 times every Christmas - till you puke.
Or if you're a Ballet clarinetist or bass clarinetist, be prepared to play it 45-60 times every December.
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