The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Alseg
Date: 2003-11-01 23:18
I post the finding and Mark gets the thanks.
Such gratitude~
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-11-02 00:29
Alseg wrote:
> sheesh.
> I post the finding and Mark gets the thanks.
That's Don's signature for some reason. You get the thanks!
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2003-11-02 01:07
Yes, TKS, Alseq for the finding-posting, Walt for the wisdom, and Mark for the archiving and availability for all of us. Don
Thanx, Mark, Don
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Author: CPW
Date: 2003-11-02 13:15
The link goes to the general Klarinet board.
plz. make the link to the article specific if you can. TKS Mark.
OK now it is fixed. Thankx muchly
Against the windmills of my mind
The jousting pole splinters
Post Edited (2003-11-02 17:10)
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Author: William
Date: 2003-11-02 16:06
Walt wrote, "It proves again, that the sound we make is the sound our ears WANT us to make."
BRAVISSIMO!!! That is the "Bottom Line" to all mouthpiece disussions.
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Author: Mark P. Jasuta
Date: 2003-11-02 22:19
Walter Grabner is among the top of his craft. A while back I sent him a mouthpiece to reface. It was in bad shape, an asymmetrical Pyne, with a bad warp in the table. As bad as this mouthpiece was warped, I pretty much left it for dead.
I asked the impossible of Walter. I wanted the table flat, and I wanted it changed to symmetrical with an even scale. I have no idea how, but he pulled it off. He gave me everything I wanted and more. This left for dead mouthpiece is now one of my favorites. What more can I say?
Best Regards
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