The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Sue G
Date: 2003-10-25 13:02
I'm thinking of buying a new ligature and was wondering if any of you have tried the Consoli Ramplig ligatures and if so are they any good ???
It's for my Bb noblet with Hawkins student mouthpiece. I use vandoren v12 2.5 reeds ( oh and a Legere 2.75 at times too !!!) I currently play with a Bonade inverted.
I'm considering the Consoli RAMPLIG Ligature which says "dark" as opposed to the "bright" one as I like a deep rich tone.
I'm not in an orchestra or ensemble - I play easy listening stuff alone with backing tracks to small groups of folks.
Do you think I should be looking at an "orchestral", "ensemble" , "solo"
fabric or metal ( gold ???) designed ligature for what I play ????
Any suggestions of suitable ligatures to consider would be appreciated although I do understand that it's largely an issue of personal choice.
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Author: bob49t
Date: 2003-10-26 05:31
Yes Sue - personal tastes rule.
Run a search for the lig in question here - you'll find a little discussion. Also go to <> for further stuff. Looks (and I imagine) may play like a Rovner or BG strap lig.
You asked for suggestions - personal preference currently is Francois Louis Lig which for me plays very freely everywhere and but particularly in altissimo- whilst losing nothing in depth of sound. A search here on FL may open a cache of interesting and complimentary comments. I'm now ordering FL's for my bass and alto sax.
Try <> for pic and info.
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Author: sfalexi
Date: 2003-10-26 05:43
You do exactly what I plan on doing in a few years when I get good enough.
I also think you should just order and try that lig. As well as a couple others so you can test them side by side (I also use and like the FL lig).
No amount of praise is a valid substitute for testing it on your own.
Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!
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Author: Sue G
Date: 2003-10-27 18:57
Thanks for your suggestions.
Alexi - actually I'm not that good - the folk I play to are a captive audience - I work in a day centre for older people !!!
Fortunately they think my playing is ok but they're probably just too polite to say anything !!!
The staff seem pretty complimentary too saying they wish they could play an instrument (so do I !!) but I think they're just protecting their jobs as I'm the boss !!!
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