The Clarinet BBoard
Author: CPW
Date: 2003-10-16 00:08
I was looking at the Phila. orch. website to see if the orch. is touring this year and noticed that they finally changed the batting roster for the clarinet section. The former principal (Caviezel--sp?) is on leave. Where is he playing? One of the singing-stovepipe (aka bassoon) players is on leave too.
Are they on tour as a duo??
Veering off topic:
Hey... just think of great names for a duo of clarinet and Bassoon:
Heckle and Jeckel
Fox and Hound with special guest Bessie Reynard on vocals.
Jimmy and Buffet
Selmer and Louise
The Boosey Brothers with Joe Hawkes on drums.
The Davie Gonzalez duo.....for our friends.
Kaspar and the Ghosts
go for it
Against the windmills of my mind
The jousting pole splinters
Post Edited (2003-10-16 01:56)
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Author: Alseg
Date: 2003-10-16 02:27
AMATI only one who doesn't know the answer to the first part of the question? You should be PUNished.
Doesnt a bassoon resemble a large hash pipe....thus the famous woodwind duo of Cheech and Bong.
as long as you are at it....
And wasn't VanDoren the guy who was given the answers on the gameshow "21"?
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Author: OboeAtHeart
Date: 2003-10-16 02:34
You're ALL going to heck.
Gotta love them clarinetists.
On a side note, we were hanging around in Symph band today, and our director was talking about something like this.
"TRUMPETS! Look at the key signature! Don't you see those little sharp signs? It usually means PLAY THE NOTE SHARP! I mean, come on, it's like when you were little and you grabbed something hot. You didn't just sit there and go "Wow! That's hot!", you pulled away and fixed it, right? Same thing with wrong notes. If you can't tell the difference, you SHOULDN'T be in band.. Go somewhere else where they don't care if you drop things on your head and hurt yourself."
Me and a few other people in the clarinet section: "Like the Colour Guard!"
As you can imagine, rehersal stopped for about five minutes while we all got control of ourselves.
Good to see a sense of good humour around here.
*~"The clarinet, though appropriate to the expression of the most poetic ideas and sentiments, is really an epic instrument- the voice of heroic love."~*
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Author: CPW
Date: 2003-10-16 16:41
But what became of these two playahs??
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Author: Bellflare
Date: 2003-10-18 02:24
Seriously, what DID happen to the previous principal clarinetist. Is he in another orchestra?
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Author: OboeAtHeart
Date: 2003-10-18 17:04
He might have gotten eaten by a mad band director... You know how they get testy about Eefers.
*~"The clarinet, though appropriate to the expression of the most poetic ideas and sentiments, is really an epic instrument- the voice of heroic love."~*
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